Telling Travis

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Kacey's POV

  Who was this man? Why'd he want to know about me? These questions running through my mind tuned out what he was saying. I don't even know his name. After a moment of silence, I finally asked him his name

   "Sir?" i asked quietly. "Yes, Kacey?" he was so kind. "What's your name?" he nodded and said "Mitch. Mitch Grassi". His voice was so high pitched. It was so adorable.

     At that moment, Mitch's door opened and a man walked inside. "Hey, babe." the man said to Mitch and planted a kiss on his cheek.

    The man was definitely taller than Mitch but not by a lot. He had blonde hair. Why'd he kiss Mitch! I mean, yes I just met him, but i wanted to know why they were kissing.

    "Kacey, this is my boyfriend, Travis. Travis this is Kacey." Mitch said, introducing us. "Mitch, why is there a little girl here?" Travis asked Mitch. "She came to the door when it was raining. She doesn't have a home." Mitch said explaining the situation we were in.

Travis's POV

  Why'd Mitch bring this girl into our home? "Mitch, why is there a little girl here?" i asked him hoping it was a cousin or other relative.

    "She came to the door when it was raining. She doesn't have a home." what did he mean 'She doesn't have a home.' I hope he didn't plan on keeping her.

    "Mitch, can i speak with you?" i asked "Uh, sure." Mitch said standing up. We walked to the living room quickly. "What?" Mitch asked as soon as we stopped. "Why'd you bring some random little girl in here?" i asked with a worried expression on my face. Why i was worried i have no idea. "Because she doesn't have a home." he said, obviously trying to get me to let her stay.

      "Mitch, we both have jobs. We don't have time for a child." i said, trying to get him to realize that we can't keep this girl. "Esther can watch her!" he said, with his face lighting up. I sighed. "Mitch-" i tried saying before he cut me off. "Travis, this is a little girl who lives on the street by herself. She needs a home. Please let her live with us." he asked while giving me the puppy dog eyes.

    He knew i always gave in whenever he did that. I sighed and finally said "Fine." His face lit up again. "Oh thank you Travis!" Mitch said and gave me a hug. This was the start of a new event in our lives together.

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