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Kacey's POV

Me and Daddy were walking home. I was scared Dad hated me. I hope he didn't. If he does I'll get all of my things and go live somewhere else. Crossing my fingers.

  "Daddy?" i said as we walked down the street. "Yeah?" he said looking over at me. "What if Dad doesn't love me anymore? What if he hates me?" I asked him choking with every word. He sighed. "I don't know." was all he said as we continued walking. I didn't want to live on the streets.

Mitch's POV

  Kacey was right. What if Travis didn't want anything to do with her? What if he hates her? I don't know what to do.

  We finally came to the house. I heard Kacey sigh and I looked over at her. "Ready?" I asked her. "I guess." she said. I grabbed her hand and we walked inside.

  All heads snapped into our direction. Travis got up and walked to the bedroom. "I knew he hated me..." Kacey mumbled. "Stay here. Go sit with everyone. I'll talk to him." I whispered to her.

  She went and sat down between Avi and Scott as I walked down the hall to Travis.

  The door was locked so I yelled through the door. "Travis. Unlock the door." I yelled. I heard footsteps and then the door unblocked and opened.      "What?" he growled. "We need to talk." I said. "About what?!" he yelled. "You know what!" I yelled back at him. "Why would you even bring her here in the first place!" he yelled. "Because she's our daughter!" i yelled even louder. "Not now. I meant the day she showed up at the door! You could've waited till the storm was over and sent her back outside!" he yelled. It got quiet. Then I heard the door slam. Twice.

  I ran back out to the living room and saw Kacey and Avi gone. Travis is going to get it.

Kacey's POV

  I knew it! He never wanted me in the first place!

  "Kacey!" I heard Avi yell as he turned me around. I was crying and I didn't want to be here anymore. "Its ok, Kacey..." he whispered. "No its not! I knew he never wanted me! I should've never stayed!" I yelled through the tears.

  "Kacey." I heard Daddy from behind Avi. "Don't say that. Of course. He wanted you. He loves you." he said. "Loves me? That's the complete opposite of what he feels for me!" I yelled trying to walk away. "Avi, make sure she stays here. I'll be back." Daddy said before going back inside.

  I tried getting away but then remembered Avi still had me in a tight grip. "You're not leaving." he said looking at me.

   "Let go!" I yelled. But it was no use. That's when Daddy came out with Dad. "Im never talking to him!" I yelled trying to get out of Avi's grip. "You two are talking this out whether you like it or not." he said looking back and forth between the two of us.

  Instead of standing and trying to get out of Avi's grip again, I sat down on the ground with one arm in the air. "Kacey. Stand up." Avi said. "No. I don't want to." I said coldly. So he just stood there, but Dad sure didn't. He got out of Daddy's grip and walked over to me. Avi let go of me as Dad picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

   "Put me down!" I yelled as we walked through the front door. "Scott! Get me!" I yelled at Scott. Dad stopped. "Kacey, you need to talk to him." Scott said. Dad continued walking. "Put me down!!"  kept yelling.

  We finally got into his and Daddy's room. He sat me down on the bed and locked the door. "Kacey. Look at me." He said sitting down next to me. I looked down at the floor. The tears were trying to escape. I didn't want them to but they did. "Kacey. Please. Im sorry." he said trying to put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him away.

  He grabbed my shoulder with one hand and the other on my chin and forced me to look at him. He'd been crying. I could tell.

  "Why were YOU crying?" I asked. "Because I almost lost you." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Sure. That's why you said you never wanted me. You didn't have to say it anyway, I already knew it." I told him as I tried going to the door. He stood in front of me. I sighed.

   "Please move." I said. "I'm not letting you leave. I can't lose you. Not again." he said before wrapping me into a hug. I didn't want to hug him. I tried pushing away but he was to strong.

  "Kacey...please..." he begged. "Dad...." I whispered. "Yes?" He whispered back. "I'm sorry." I said. He let go and looked at me. "I love you Dad." i said. "I love you to Kacey." he whispered before kissing the top of my head.

  We sat there and hug for a little while until Dad picked me up and carried me out to the rest of the group. "Dad...don't put me down." I whispered to him as we sat down. "I won't." he whispered back.

  We sat next to Daddy. "You two look good." he said. I looked up and saw them both smiling at me. Dad looked over at Daddy and kissed him. "What was that for?" Daddy whispered. "Because I love you." Dad said smiling.

  They were so perfect for each other. I don't see them with anyone but themselves. It wasn't possible.

  "Kacey." Daddy whispered. "Yes?" I said looking at him. "We love you." he said. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. "I love you too." I said. I did. I truly did. I looked around the room. I looked at my FAMILY. "I love you. I love my family." I said making sure everyone could hear. I didn't ever want to leave again...

So hey guys! End of the book! Don't worry! Im working on the sequel! Did you guys like this story? Comment! Thanks for reading! Bye for now!

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