Everyone's Big Surprise

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Kacey's POV

   Me and Dad were in the kitchen making breakfast when i heard Daddy on the phone. Must be one of the others. i thought.
   "Ok see you guys in a little bit. Bye." Daddy said as he got of the phone with them. "They'll be here in little bit." Daddy said as he wrapped me in a hug. "I love you so much Kacey. I don't know what i'd do without you." he said while he was hugging me. "I love you too Daddy." i said to him back.
  At that moment the doorbell rang and Daddy said "Travis! Come here!" Dad ran out to Daddy. I heard whispering and then Daddy came back into the kitchen. "Ok, come on." he said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the others. "Ok everyone. You can open your eyes now." Dad said smiling.
   Everyone opened their eyes and smiled once they saw me. "Kacey!" they all yelled. They came in for a group hug and then Avi asked "Alright you little squirt spill it. How'd you get away." he said smiling. "Ok 2 things. One, im not that small and two, i jumped out of a moving car and played dead." i explained to everyone. "Dang girl!" Scott happened to yell. We all laughed.
   Until Kevin notice something. "Uh Kacey..." Kevin said. "Yeah?" i asked. "Your head. Its um, bleeding." i touched the part of my head where i had hit it and he was correct. I was bleeding. "We should get you to the hospital." Dad suggested. "I have the SUV outside." Avi said.
   We all went outside and piled in the car. Avi driving, Kevin in the passenger seat, Daddy, Dad with me on his lap, and then Scott with Kirstie on his lap.

*skip the drive*

   Mitch's POV

   We had just arrived at the hospital. I went up to the front desk and signed Kacey in.
   "Hi. How may i help you, sir?" the nurse at the desk asked. "Yeah my daughter's head is bleeding pretty bad." i said to the nurse while she looked behind me and saw Kacey holding her head. The nurse walked over and looked Kacey over.
   After a few moments the nurse was done checking out Kacey. "I'll be right back with the doctor." she said and left.
   A little bit later the nurse came back with the doctor. "Kacey Wright?" he asked and me and Kacey walked to the doctor's office.
   "Alright Kacey, lets take a look. Do you know how this happened?" the doctor asked as he was looking my head over. "I was running down the stairs and tripped and hit my head on the corner of the bottom step." Kacey lied.
   I looked at her. She gave me a 'don't-say-anything' look. "Well young lady, all you need is a few stitches and you'll be ok." the doctor said. "Will she get them now?" i asked. "Yes. But you'll need to wait outside." the doctor apologetically. I nodded and walked out of the room. Thank God she was going to be ok.

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