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Mitch's POV

   Travis said that Kacey could live with us. I was now happy for two reasons. One, i finally have someone that I can call my own child and two, I helped save a life. Travis seemed pretty happy with it too. 

    "Travis?"  I asked him. "Yes, Mitch?" he said still concentrating on the tv show he was watching. "Do you think we should tell everyone about Kacey?". That got his attention because he was now looking at me. "I guess so. I mean they would probably find out anyways." he said. "How would they find out without us telling them?" i asked obviously confused. "Well, if Esther is going to watch her, then Esther is probably going to tell Avi and then Avi is more than likely going to tell the others." he explained. 

    I hadn't thought about that. He WAS right. After a moment of silence i finally said something. "Do you think they would be upset if they know?" i asked worried. "Mitch, they're your best friends. Im pretty sure they'll understand." he seemed like he knew exactly what would happen. He always said the right thing. I smiled at him which he returned. 

*2 hours later* 

Kacey's POV

   "Kacey, can you come here?" I heard Mitch yell from the other room. I went into the room he was in. Him and Travis were sitting on the couch. "Yes, Mitch?" i asked scared he was going to send me outside again. "I have good news and it comes with a question." he said. I had a new hope rise inside of me.

   "The good news is that we have decided to let you live with us." he said. Him and Travis both smiled at me probably because i was already smiling. A lot. "We also have a question for you. We would like to know if you would like to meet our friends?" Mitch said still having a small smile on his face. "Sure!" I yelled then quickly threw my hand over my mouth once i realized that i had yelled nthat. Travis chuckled a little. Mitch continued to smile. I think he was happy that i was going to make some new friends.

A/N: Sorry if its boring. My ideas  are running out. Hope you enjoyed it though!

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