It Gets Better

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Kacey's POV

  I supposedly needed stitches. Great. "Doctor?" I said to the man standing in front of me. "Yes, Kacey?" he said. "Will this hurt?" I asked him. "Will what hurt?" he asked looking at me. "Getting stitches?" I asked him. "Oh, don't worry about it. You'll be put to sleep while I put them in. They won't hurt at all." the doctor said smiling at me. 

    After a few minutes of the doctor looking over the papers, it was finally time. "Well, Kacey lets go." he said. I got of the bed and followed him out the door. As we were walking I noticed my family in the waiting room. I looked at Dad and saw him mouth 'It'll be ok.' I nodded and continued walking. "Kacey, sit right there." the doctor said pointing to a surgery table. "Now, im going to put this needle in my arm and you'll start to feel a little tired ok?" he said and I nodded. He put the needle in my arm and I winced. He was right. I started to feel a little tired. Soon, I drifted off to sleep and all I saw was darkness.

  *skip the stitches* (Still Kacey's POV)

  I woke up at least an hour later. "Well hello Kacey. Would like me to bring everyone in?" the nurse asked. "Yes, please." I said and she went and got everyone else. When they walked in, I saw it wasn't just my family. My best friend, Maria and my boyfriend, Derek were with them. "Kacey, you feeling ok?" Derek asked me as he walked in. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said and smiled at him in which he returned. "Oh, Kacey, I'm glad you're ok. When Mitch called and said you were in the hospital, I almost died." Maria said, obviously flipping out. "Girl, chilax." I said to her. We all laughed including her. I looked over at my parents. They looked so worried. Daddy was sitting right next to me. I grabbed his hand and held it. "I'm ok." I said to him. "I know." he said back. "Then why do you look so worried?" I asked him. He looked down at the floor and shook his head. "Guys, can I talk to him alone?" I said and everyone nodded and left.

  "Daddy, why are you so worried?" I asked him. He looked up and I could see that he wanted to cry, but he didn't. "Kacey..." he said. "What? Is everything ok?" I asked him. I just wanted to know why he was so worried if he knew I was ok.

Mitch's POV

  "What? Is everything ok?" Kacey asked me. She looked confused. "No..." I said to her. "Why? What happened?" she almost yelled. "He called me..." I said to her. "Who? Who called you???" she asked, looking scared now. "Daniel..." I told her looking down. "What?! When?!" she yelled. 


I was sitting in the waiting room with everyone when I had to go to the bathroom. I got up and went into restrooms. I went to the bathroom and walked out of my stall, when my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and it said 'Blocked'. I answered it. "Hello?" I said to the unknown person. "Why, Mirch is it?" the man said. "Depends on who's asking." I said to him now suspicious. "It's just an old friend. It's Daniel.". When I heard that name I almost dropped my phone. "What do you want?" I said rudely. "Don't be sp rude or your dear parents might have to pay." he said. "What? You don't know where my parents are!" I yelled through the phone. "Oh don't I? he said. "Why don't you ask your mother?" he said. "Mom?" I said. "Mitch? Mitch is that you?!" I heard my mother yell. "What do you want Daniel?" I said viciously. " Kacey, is what I want. I'll text you an adress. Bring her and you'll get your parents." he said and hung up. After he hung up, I got an adress. What was I suppose to do?

*end of flashback*

"I'll go..." Kacey said as I finished telling her what happened. "No. Me and the others are already discussing a plan." I told her. "A plan?! You think some plan is really going to keep everyone alive?! Well, if you do then you're stupid!". Stupid? She's never been so mean like that. Never. I was so surprised. 

 Before we could say anything, the nurse came in. "Kacey, you're free to go home. Here are the clothes you wore." the nurse said handing Kacey a pile of clothes. She took them and went into the bathroom to get dressed. Once she was in, I went out to the hall and walked over to the group of people, still in my state of shock and sadness. Kacey called me stupid? 

Derek's POV

 We heard yelling as the nurse walked down to her room. We all looked down to her room as the nurse walked in, and it was silent. After a minute, Mitch came out of the room. He looked sad. I wonder what happened. "Mitch, you ok?" Travis asked him. "Yeah. I'm-I'm ok. Just need some air." Mitch said as he walked out of the hospital. 

The nurse walked out of Kacey's room. "Kacey will be out after she's donw getting her clothes on ok?". We all nodded. After 5 minutes Kacey came out of her room and walked towards us. She came up to me and gave me a hug. "You ready?" I asked her. She nodded and we all walked out of the hospital. She looked angry. I wanted to ask her about it, but she needed to think things over. I hoped everyting was ok between her and Mitch. They loved each other so much.

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