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Kacey's POV

    After we had gotten ready to go see Mitch's friends, Mitch pulled out his phone and called someone. "Scott?" he said when someone finally answered. "Hey Mitch. What's up?" said the man apparently named Scott. "Can you call Avi and Kevin and tell them to meet at your house?" he asked Scott. "Yeah. Sure. You gonna call Kirst?" Scott asked over the phone. "Yep." after that they said goodbye and he hung up the phone.

    "Kacey?" Mitch said putting his hand on my leg. "Yes Mitch?" i asked him. "I think you're gonna like my friends. They're really nice. Especially Kirstie." he explained smiling. I smiled in return.

*15 minutes later*

Mitch's POV

  After about 15 minutes, we arrived at Scott's house. "Kacey, we're here." i said to her, turning around in my seat. She smiled a little. I think she was scared to meet them but i didn't say anything.

    We walked inside and saw everyone. Scott, Avi, Kevin, Kirstie and Esther. Avi must've called her. "So Mitch..." Avi's voice trailed off once we walked inside. "Uh, why is there a little girl with you?" Scott finally asked. "Guys, this is Kacey." i explained to everyone. "Yeah, why is she with you?" Kevin spoke up. "She came to my door when it was raining and she doesn't have a home, so me and Travis have decided to adopt her." i smiled when i got done explaining.

    After a few minutes of silence, Kirstie spoke up. "Maybe we should get you out of those clothes? I have some in my car." i nodded at her and they walked out to her car.

Kirstie's POV

   I was taking Kacey out to get some clothes from my car when i felt her hand tense up. "Kacey, are you ok?" i asked her, kneeling down at her height. "He's watching us from across the street." she said as she started to cry. "Who?" i asked her. "The guy im running from." i looked around and saw a man across the street, staring at us. I quickly picked her up and ran inside.

   Once i got inside everyone looked at me. "There's some guy outside. Kacey said she was running from him." i said putting the small child i had in my arms down. "Its true Mitch. He took me away from my mom and dad when i was little."

   Mitch had wrapped her in a hug. "Its ok. I won't let him hurt you." he whispered it, but since i was so close to them, i could hear it.

    After a few moments of silence, Travis spoke up. "Is he still out there?" i shrugged and went to the window and he was still standing there, probably waiting for the little girl. Wait a second. Oh no. He was getting closer.

   I ran back to everyone. "Guys! He's getting closer! I think he's coming for-" i was interrupted by a knock on the door. Kacey froze where she was standing. "What are we going to do!?!" Mitch whisper-yelled. "Run." was all Kacey said. Mitch nodded. "But first we need a plan."

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