A Skip to the Future

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Mitch's POV *6 years later*

  Kacey was now 14 and she wasn't so sad nowadays. After Daniel had stopped hurting her she became a lot more happier.

She still would have nightmares every once in a while and me or Travis would hear the screaming or crying and would come to her side, but other than those times, everything was fine.

   Except today. She seemed edgy after school. "What's wrong, sweetie?" i asked her when she walked through the door. She had a panicked look on her face.

   After i asked her that, she started crying. I wrapped my arms around her until she was done crying.

   "What's wrong, sweetie?" i asked her after she had finished crying. "I saw him." she said terrified "Saw who?" i asked her. "Daniel.". When i heard that name i went into shock. I couldn't believe he was back. All i knew was that i had to protect her and Travis. I won't let anything happen to them.

Kacey's POV

"Where's Dad, Daddy?" i asked Daddy. Yes, i know that sounds really weird but just so you don't get confused i call Travis Dad and Mitch Daddy. Ok? Ok.

   "He's still at work baby girl." Daddy said even though you could tell he was still in shock. "I think you should call him. Daniel could try and hurt him." i said to Daddy handing him the phone. "Yeah i should." he said dialing Dad's number.

  Daddy put the phone on speaker so we could both talk to him. "Hi. This is Mitch Wright. Im looking for Travis." oh yeah. I forgot to tell you Dad and Daddy got married last month.

   "Just one minute sir." the woman said. "TRAVIS! SOMEONE IS ON THE PHONE FOR YOU!!!!" she yelled. "Hello?" Dad said through the phone. "Travis we have a problem." Daddy said to Dad. "What's wrong?!?" Dad said panicky. "Daniel is back." i said to Dad.

   "I'll be on my way home." "Travis you don't-" Daddy tried saying before Dad interrupted him. "Mitch, i have to make sure you and our little girl are safe. I can't take any risks. I love you both to much." he said and hung up.

   I really hope Dad made it home without Daniel. I don't want him to get hurt. We are to good of a family to lose someone.

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