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Kacey's POV

   Ow. My head hurts. Probably because i just jumped out of that car. I didn't have time to worry about the pain. I had to get home to my family. Back to Daddy. Back to Dad. Back to everyone.

   I started walking. It had only been about 10 minutes that we had been driving so i wasn't that far, but it was already dark out.

   I walked for about half an hour until i could finally see home. I looked at my phone and saw it was close to midnight. Hopefully the door was unlocked.

   I ran down my street and finally got to my house. I turned the door knob and it was unlocked. Phew. I walked in and saw Dad sleeping on the couch. I wondered if Daddy was awake. I walked to their room and i saw him laying there asleep.

I smiled a little and walked over to the bed. I cuddled in with my Daddy and felt his arms suddenly wrap around me. I looked up and he was still asleep. His reflexes did that a lot.

   I couldn't wait till he woke up.

    *the next morning*

Mitch's POV

   I woke up early. Its probably because i missed Kacey so much. I mean i was starting to imagine things. Like, i thought i could smell the known perfume she wore all the time. But i thought i could feel her next to me. I looked down and saw her body all snuggled up into me. Was this a hallucination?

    I started shaking her body and told her to wake up. She did. She was really here. "Good morning, Daddy." she said in her beautiful morning voice. "Is...Is it really you?" i asked her. "Yes, Daddy its really me." she said. I wrapper my arms around her and held her tightly. I can't believe she had escaped Daniel.

   At that moment i heard Travis getting up from the couch. "Stay here." i whispered to Kacey. She nodded. I got up and saw Travis stretching his arms. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist as i wrapped my arms around his neck. He lent in for a kiss.

  Our lips matched up perfectly. "Everything is going to be ok." he whispered into my ear. "I have a surprise for you." i whispered back to him smiling. He chuckled as i started pulling him back to our room. "Cover your eyes." I told him. He closed his eyes and let me be his guide.

    I pulled him into our room and saw Kacey standing there. "Open your eyes." i said to Travis. He did and he saw Kacey. He looked shocked. She ran over to him and gave him a hug. "Kacey, thank God you're ok." he whispered into her ear. "Im just glad to be with my family again." she said aloud as she pulled away from the hug. "But something's missing..." she said. I looked at her confused. "The rest of my family!" she yelled. "I'll call everyone and tell them i have a surprise for them. In the mean time you two go get something to eat." and with that they left the bedroom and went to get something to eat. I had my little girl back. My heart is now filled back up.

Painful Love (A Mitch Grassi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now