The Station

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Avi's POV

  Me and Kevin were walking the three goons to the SUV. "Kevin, you drive so I can watch them." I said to Kevin as I tossed him the car keys. "Alright." he said catching the keys.
  We got the guys in the back seat and I got in the passenger seat while Kevin got in the driver's seat and started the car.
  I had the gun pointed at the three the whole entire car ride, wishing they would do something stupid just so I could hurt them.
  After a few minutes, we finally got to the police station. "Kevin, go inside and get some officers, I'll stay here and keep an eye on these three."  I said pointing to three guys in the back of the car
  I sat alone in the car for a few moments until Kevin came back with three officers. "Well well well. Look who we have here. Last time I checked, Mr. Jones here was dead." one of the officers said. The other two laughed at the unfunny joke the other cop had made.
  The officers handcuffed the goons and took them inside. Once they were gone I decided to check my phone. Oh crap! 5 missed calls from my girlfriend Shauna! She isn't gonna be very happy.
   I dial her number and wait for it to stop ringing. Hopefully it kept ringing. Well it didn't. "Avriel Kaplan! You've had me worried sick! Where are you?!?" she yelled through the phone. "Im fine! Just at a police station with Kevin." I said. I heard a sigh. "What'd you do this time, Avi?" she said. "Its not always me who does something bad!" i said. "Yeah but it usually is. So start explaining." she said. I could tell she crossed her arms just by the way she said it.
  "Well remember last night when I said that someone was after Kacey?" I asked her. "Mhmm." she said. "Well we caught him!" I said happily. "Oh my gosh! Thats great!" she said. She let out a sigh of relief.
  "Is she with you?" she asked after a while. "No, but come to the police station." I said to her. "Okay, be there in a bit." she said and hung up.

Shauna was here in about 10 minutes. She ran up and hugged me. She had this amazing bright red hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She was just perfect for me.
  "So where is everyone else?" she asked after our hug. "They're still at the abandon factory Daniel wanted to meet us at." I told her. "Okay. Can we go?" she asked. Her and Kacey were close I guess.

Mitch's POV

  While Kevin and Avi took Daniel and his goons to the police station, I ran over to my parents.
  I ripped off the pillow cases and who I saw sitting there, was NOT what I expected....

Hey guys! Cliffhanger! So hope you're enjoying the story! Shoutout to @ShaunaBraithwaite for playing Avi's girlfriend! And if you want to see her again in the book, don't sweat it! She'll be in the next chapter, with her own POV? Maybe! And I think after this I'll right another book. Same characters, but different plot. Well that's all! Have a great rest of your day/night wherever it is that you be. Oh and kik me: megangrassi. Ok kiss kiss! (Just kidding!)

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