Shocking Surprise

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Mitch's POV

I was shocked to see......Derek and Maria tied up and were the ones who had been put under the pillow cases. "Derek?! Maria?!" I heard Kacey yell from behind me. Then I heard her running towards me. "What happened?! Why are you two here?!" she yelled. They both looked at the ground. Kacey pulled off the tape from their mouths. "Explain. NOW." she commanded. "Kacey, me and Maria were helping him." Derek said as he stood. "Wha-? You're lying! Please be lying!" Kacey yelled thorugh the tears that had started running down her cheeks. 

   She stood there in silence and then pulled out a razor from her pocket. I shot her a look. Sh gave me her 'we can talk later' look. I nodded and she went towards Derek. Kacey cut the ropes that were around Derek and Maria's wrist. "Why? Tell me why." Kacey said sternly. "Derek, I swear! Tell me now!" she was now yelling. "Well if you would've actually paid attention to what I was trying to tell you, you'd understand why!" Derek yelled back. "Wha- what are you talking about?" she said obviously confused. "Oh come on, Kacey! You never noticed how little time we ever spent!?" he yelled back at her. "Derek that was because-" she tried saying but was cut off. "Because you were always with them! I just wanted you all to myself." he said. When he said the last part he crept a little closer to her and grabbed her butt. And thats when Travis stepped in. He smacked- wait no, punched, Derek so hard he sent him to the ground.

  "Wait, if you were helping him, then why are you two tied up?" Scott asked Maria. "Well, I told Daniel that I wasn't going to help kill Mitch and Travis so he tied me up. The only reason Derek got tied up is because Daniel said he didn't need Derek, and that he only asked for his help so he could get information on Kacey's current location and stuff like that. Kacey, Im so sorry. I didn't want to do it, but Derek said if I didn't he would tell you that I tried to make him cheat on you, so that we wouldn't be friends anymore, Im so sorry. I know you probably won't forgive me though." Maria explained and apologized. I didn't think that Kacey would forgive her but she did.

  "Maria! I understand you didn't want to and that you didn't want our friendship to be ruined! I totally forgive you!" Kacey yelled and then ran up to hug her.

   "Hey! What about me?!" Derek yelled after getting up from the ground. "What about YOU?" Kacey spat at him. "Don't I get forgiven?" Derek asked. "Ha. No. You were going to help kill my parents and then you touched me sexually. I don't think so." Kacey sassed. "Come on, babe!" Derek yelled.

  Kacey stepped in front of Derek and smacked him. "Don't ever call me 'Babe'!" she yelled. "We're OVER! Im shocked you didn't realize that before!" she yelled again. This comment really got on Derek's nerves. Smack! Derek smacked Kacey hard. Good thing a certain someone showed up....

Shauna's POV

  We were pulling in to the factory's parking lot when I saw a boy smack Kacey. Travis and Mitch both ran to her side. Avi, on the other hand, ran to the boy instead. Avi did something i've NEVER seen him do before. He hit that kid so hard he flew about a few inches. Bam! Hit the ground.

  I got out of the car and ran to Kacey, Travis and Mitch. Kacey had tears running down my face. "Kacey are you ok?!" Mitch asked her over and over again. And then there Travis, who looked ready to murder the next person who came near him. This day was NOT how I expected it to be...

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