Good Family Gone Wrong

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Kacey's POV

  God, I hated him so much right now. Stupid?? Why would he think that was stupid? He's stupid. Ugh. I'm so done. I'm running away from here.

  I packed some clothes in a suitcase and grabbed a pen and paper. I wrote:

Dear family,

  I'm sorry but I have to leave. I don't want to deal with any of this anymore. I'm going to miss you all so much. Love you guys.


I put the note on Dad's table and snuck out of the house.

Shauna's POV

  I was still sitting in my car when I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Kacey closing the door with a suitcase in her other hand. What was she doing? I ducked my head down and watched her. She went over to a bike that had been in the garage. She got on the bike and left down the street.

  I got out of the car and went inside the house. I walked down to Travis and Mitch's room to see them asleep. I gently shook Mitch until he woke up. "Shauna? What are you doing?" he asked. "Well, I just saw your daughter ride down the street on her bike with a suitcase so." I explained to him. 'What?!" he yelled. This caused Travis to wake up. "MITCHELL! WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!" Travis yelled. "Two things. One, don't you EVER call me Mitchell again and two, Kacey ran away so get up." Mitch said. "What?!" Travis yelled. "Travis! Why are you yelling?!" Mitch said, mocking him.

  Mitch got out of the bed and went to get some shoes on as well as Travis.

  We walked outside. "Which way did she go?" Mitch asked me. I pointed towards the way Kacey had gone and the three of us started walking.

  While we were walking, I noticed a familiar car. It was Avi's SUV. He was getting closer. The car stopped by the sidewalk next to us. "What are you three doing out here?!" Avi asked. "Looking for our lost daughter." Travis said. "What?!" I heard Scott say from the car. "Yeah. I saw her leave on her bike with a suitcase." I told him. That's when we heard something crash in the alley.

  Avi parked his car and everyone got out to investigate. We looked down the alley and we saw Kacey laying her bike down against one of the buildings. "Kacey!" Mitch yelled. "Uh, hi?" Kacey said nervously. "What are doing out here?!" Travis asked her. "Don't worry about it." she sassed towards him. "Kacey, answer me. What are you doing out here?" Travis repeated his question. "I told you not to worry about it so don't worry about it." she sassed once again. This was going to be an interesting argument.

Kacey's POV

  "I told you not to worry about it so don't worry about it." I sassed at Travis. Travis? Don't do something you're going to regret. My thoughts were speaking to me again. "Kacey, why are acting like this." Mitch asked me.  "Mitch, I don't have time to talk to you." I said. "Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to like that?" he said back, wide-eyed. "Obviously you didn't read the note I put on your desk. I told you I hated you. I have to go. Bye." I said walking towards my bike. I felt someone grab my wrist and I looked up to see Shauna. "Kacey, don't do this to them." she whispered. "They obviously don't care so im leaving." I told her aloud."Kacey, we do care. Please don't go." I heard Travis say. I lifted up my bike and swung my leg over. "It was nice seeing you." I said before pedaling off in the opposite direction. I was trying hard not to look back, but it was something I should've done.

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