The Plan

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Kacey's POV

  It was easier on the ride home. We had the SUV and Derek's Grand Am. So Avi drove the SUV, Kevin passenger, back seat went Dad, Scott and Kirstie. So me and Daddy rode in the back seat while Derek drove and Maria rode in the passenger.
  Daddy's arm was still around my shoulder so i snuggled on to his chest. He was always so warm and I had no idea why.
The hospital was only a few minutes away so we didn't wait long until we got home. "Daddy?" i whispered as we were still driving. "Yeah?" he said looking down at me. "We're going to go over your plan ok?" i said. At this point I just wanted to know there was a way to get rid of Daniel.
"Ok, sweetie." he said. I laid my head back on his chest. We drove for about another five minutes until we got home. I was in shock when I saw the house.
   Its windows were smashed and the door had been busted down. I felt the hot tears run down my cheeks. Daddy must've noticed because he wrapped me in a hug. After a few minutes, he pulled away and grabbed my hand and we all walked inside the house
  It was destroyed. Everything. We all knew who had done it and why they had done it. "Daddy..." i whispered in his ear. "Yeah?" he said looking at me. "Do they know? About the phone call?" i asked him. "Yeah." he said.
   A moment passed and Dad spoke up. "We all know who did this." he seemed ticked. Like he was ready to hit someone. "And we all know why." Avi added. I felt so guilty. I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted everyone to be happy again. I should've stayed in the car.
    I ran upstairs to the balcony. I put my legs through the holes around it. I started crying. I must've been pretty loud because a minute later, Avi was behind me. We were such good friends. He knew me so well.
   "Kacey, you ok?" he asked sitting next to me. "No! This is all my fault. I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted everyone to be happy." i said through the tears. "Kacey, this isn't your fault. None of it is. You couldn't know this was going to happen." he said wrapping me into a hug. "What are we gonna do?" i asked looking up at him. "Well, we have a plan, so come on. We'll discuss it downstairs." he said. I nodded and stood up. We walked downstairs to the others.
  "Kacey? What's wrong?!" Dad said. Avi shot him a look and he got quiet. "So what's this 'plan'?" i said putting air quotes around plan. "Well we think that when Mitch takes you to Daniel tomorrow that me and Avi will sneak behind Daniel and take him down while Kirstie and Scott get Mitch's parents away from him." Kevin explained. I thought it over for awhile and thought it was pretty good.
So you're nice again?
Shut up.
I can't.
Why not?
Because im just thoughts...idiot
You're so stupid.
I stopped thinking and nodded my head in agreement. "Ok. That's the plan." I agreed. "Wait. Where are we supposed to sleep tonight?" I asked. "Good point."

Mitch's POV

Kevin had explained the plan when Kacey asked "Wait. Where are we supposed to sleep tonight?". Crap. I hadn't thought of that. "How bad are the rooms?" I asked her. "Well, mines totally destroyed but you and Dad's is pretty good..." i was looking at her and she knew what i was thinking. She was gonna have to sleep with me and Travis. "Daddy...that's embarrassing..." she said blushing. "Have fun on the floor then..." Travis added. She looked annoyed. "Fine. I'll sleep with you guys..." she said reluctantly.
  "Ok, its settled. Everyone knows the plan." Travis said. Everyone nodded. "Alright go home and get some sleep." I said and everyone left. Kacey looked pretty tired. "Wanna head to bed?" i asked her. "Yeah. Im sooo tired." she said. Travis nodded as well. "Ok lets go." I said walking upstairs towards me and Travis' bedroom. Kacey had gone into her room to get some pjs.
   She came back fully dressed. She crawled next to me in the bed and snuggled into me and I wrapped my arm around her. Travis got in the bed and wrapped his arm around the both of us. I hope tomorrow goes as planned.

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