Getting Her Back

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Mitch's POV

  What just happened? Did she really just leave with him? Everything that just happened causes a tear to roll down my cheek, reminding me that i just lost one of the most important things in my life. I honestly don't know what to do now.

    "Mitch? You ok?" was all i heard when i finally snapped back to reality. "Yeah. Im. Im fine." i told to no one in specific. "We can just let her go!" Travis yelled. "How do you propose we get her back?" Scott asked him. "I don't know, but we have to find a way." he shot back.

    What are we going to do? How are we gonna get Kacey back? Are we going to get her back? All these thoughts running through my head. Why not just tell the police? "Why not just tell the police?" i spoke up. "We can't do that." Kirstie said defeated. "Why not?!" i yelled. "Kirst is right. If we tell the police Daniel will just end up killing her." Scott said.

   This was all to much. I can't believe she was really gone. After all these years he really got what he wanted. I don't know what to do anymore.

Kacey's POV

  We were driving towards Daniel's house silently. Until he decided to speak up. "So Kacey," he was smiling devilishly "Im glad i didn't have to hurt anyone. It would've ended very badly..." he said.

   He started pulling something out from the inside of his coat. His pistol. "You would've shot them?" i asked him. "I might've. It would've depended on if you were smart and came with me. Which you were." he explained to me. "You're not going to hurt any of them are you?" i asked him. I had to make sure my family would be safe. "Of course not. I don't have any reason to.". Oh thank gosh.

  "What would happen if i jumped out of the car?" i asked him. He chuckled. "You'd probably end up dying!" he said loudly.

   At that moment i quickly umbuckled my seat belt and jumped out of the car. I heard his car stop and closed my eyes so he would think i was dead. "Stupid girl. At least i don't have to deal with her anymore." he said. I heard his car door shut and he skidded off. I was finally safe....i hope.

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