how they ask you out/ tell you they like you

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Harry: Every time Harry would try to speak to you, something awkward would happen. Either, he'd forget he had juice in his mouth- and try to smile, he'd accidentally knock your books out of your arms, he'd forget how to speak entirely, or one of his friends would just sweep him away. He'd just have terrible luck in general. The Chosen One isn't as eloquent around girls as he'd prefer, so to him a letter would be the best choice. He would practically be forced to set quill to paper and write you a letter of confession after talking both Ron and Hermione's ears off about you (which they didn't much appreciate). It would explain how he'd felt something for you since his first year; the way your eyes twinkled with joy as you got sorted, the way his hand tingled after shaking yours in introduction, and especially the way you laughed at a joke, or expressed sympathy to someone in pain. He would be pretty cheesy about it, but overall the letter would end in an invitation to join him for Butterbeer next trip to Hogsmeade.

Ron: For your first few years at Hogwarts, Ron would hardly be able to muster up the courage to even say a word to you. You'd probably only get a soft 'Hello.' choked out with an awkward smile. People would constantly tell you that Ron had a thing for you, though you never believed them, he was always so short with you, that you thought it impossible for him to like you. It went on like this for a few years, only having minor conversations here and there, mostly along with Harry who basically spoke for both of them. You'd figured he just wasn't comfortable around you and left it at that. Until your sixth year, he finally got the courage to say something through the effects of the Liquid Luck placebo. As you were wishing the Gryffindor team good luck, Ron confidently walked over, swept you off of your feet and kissed you right in front of everyone. "Y/N, I bloody fancy you... Cheer for me, yeah?", he'd say with a smirk before walking away right after, leaving you in a daze. "If we win this, you and I will go on a proper date."

Draco: Draco was a mystery to you, the only time the mystery faded was when you were partnered together for potions in your 5th year. You didn't get along very well at first, his cocky demeanor was a bit off-putting to you. Surprisingly though he had the skills to back it up when it came to Potions, and it set you both to be the top of the class... next to Hermione of course. By the Christmas holidays you were closer, joking with each other outside of class, and even hanging out a bit in your free time. One cold day in Hogsmeade, you parted with your friends outside the Three Broomsticks, and went for a walk towards the Shrieking Shack. You found yourself in a clearing full of fresh snow, and decided to make a snow angel. You laid down, and made your angel, pausing a bit to look up at the sky as more snow began to fall. Though your entire body felt like it was freezing, you couldn't help it. It was beautiful. Your vision was soon blocked by the face of Draco smirking down at you. "You seem to be having fun... though your lips are turning blue." He said looking somewhat worried and helped you up. "Come on then, lets get you something warm to drink. You can thank me for not letting you freeze by making a snowman with me later." he smiled, wrapping you in his scarf. "Or if you feel a bit more greatful, we can make this a date." he suggested, and you smirked, rolling your eyes.

Fred: Fred poked you on the cheek as you sat next to him in the Great Hall, awakening you from your daydream. "Hello! Yes I'd like my friend back from outer space thank you." he joked, and you nudged him in he side, making him laugh and poke your sides as well. It was usually like this between the two of you, always teasing each other or flirting in someway. He tickled your sides mercilessly, causing you to beg and flail about like a fish out of water until he finally stopped. "Honestly you two, just get a room or start dating or something." Ron said, annoyance apparent on his face. Both you and Fred blushed, and looked, down, making George laugh and nod his head. "Not yet Ron, the lovebirds need to work out their obvious feelings by themselves." He teased, and Fred glared. "Georgie is just jealous that if I asked Y/N to go out with me she'd obviously say yes. Right Y/N?" he asked, and you just nodded without even needing to think. As soon as you realized what you just admitted, you turned bright red and covered your face, causing Fred to laugh, and drape an arm over your shoulder. "Well then I guess it's settled! This one is off the market!" he teased, leaning down and kissing you on the cheek.

George: Walking into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, you automatically smiled. It was so colorful and cheerful, and laughter could be heard at all corners of the store. You remembered the Weasley twins from your last year at Hogwarts, though in all of your years there, you'd never gotten the chance to talk to them. 'Smoke bombs seem interesting.' you thought to yourself, picking one up and looking at it in your hand. "Like what you see? Beautiful girls get a 20% discount." a voice said closely behind you, making you turn and see George Weasley smirking at you. Startled, you dropped the smoke bomb to the floor, enshrouding nearly the entire store in pitch black smoke. "I'm so- cough- sorry! -cough cough-" you exclaimed, unable to see the laughing man in front of you. "It's alright. That's what they're meant for anyways. I suppose you can pay for that in a favor." George suggested, smiling at you as the smoke cleared through the windows Fred opened. "A favor? What could I do?" you asked, worried he'd make you dust the shelves, or pay for damages, or be a guinea pig to test some new dangerous product. "Don't look so afraid! I only meant that you accompany me to the Three Broomsticks. We'll probably have to close the shop for an hour while the smoke clears." he winked to his brother before holding a hand out to you.

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