How they say sorry

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Harry: He has had enough go wrong in his life to know when he needs to apologise. His signature apology involves sending a letter through your window in the evening, saying all that he's done wrong. He then waits in the common room for you with a hot chocolate and some cakes from the kitchens.

Ron: Ron is rubbish at saying sorry, he hates admitting that he's done something wrong. He tends to mutter his apologies, so low you can barely hear them. If you can't hear him or ignore him, he'll take your hand and look into your eyes, whispering. "I'm so sorry."

Draco: Draco is much more emotional than he would care to admit, and as a consequence his apologies are often tearful. He possesses a constant fear of inadequacy and so will do all he can to make up for what he's done wrong.

Fred: He would send a parcel up to your dorm filled with a note and all your favourite foods.

George: He would make sure that everything you wanted, you had. Suddenly he would become super boyfriend and do everything for you, carry your books, do your homework, anything. 

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