what they notice about you

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Harry: Harry is a pretty readable guy, so he would notice the big things about you. He would notice how your entire face would light up when you saw him, the way your brow would furrow when he was talking about the Dark Lord. He would be more into noticing your personality rather than your looks.

Ron: Ron is pretty oblivious to a lot of things. For Ron, I don't think it's a matter of how he'll notice you, but when. He just likes to see you, whether it's walking down the corridor or in the stands at a Quidditch match. 

Draco: Obviously, Draco would notice your looks, but that wasn't all he noticed. Once he opened up and got to know you, he'd notice all your quirky little habits. Like the way your eyes would narrow during Potions, or the way you started smirking just like him. Also, he would notice what made you tick, what made your breath hitch or the way your jaw would clench when he ran his hand up your leg.

George: like his brother, would be avid on noticing the small things you do. When he first noticed you, it was because you were so invested in a book that you hadn't noticed you were headed straight into a wall. He would adore watching the blush rise in your cheeks when you rambled about something you loved.

Fred: Fred would notice literally everything about you. He would particularly enjoy your laugh, and the way you would roll your eyes when he tried to drag you into his latest prank idea. He would notice the little things too, the way you would absentmindedly play with his hair during a late night in the common room.

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