how you spend the summer together

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- Bringing him to your favourite places to go in summer, like the lake beside your home.

- Hanging out at the muggle mall

- And trying on the most ridiculous clothing items

- "Show it to Neville, and he can imagine Snape in it!"

- "Oh pleaseeee, Harry, just use magic to make me feel less hot!"
" No, (Y/n), you know I can't."
" Fine, try saying this tongue twister. While facing the air-con. Wingardium leviosa."
" Winga- (Y/n)!"

- Going to the Dursley's just for entertainment

- "Bringing a filthy friend of yours, Harry?"

- Then wiping your sweat all over Dudley and saying, "Oopsie, now you're filthy, too."

- Having a competition on who can drive the Dursleys insane first

- Might have some help from Hedwig. Dursleys hate Hedwig

- Bringing Hedwig on a picnic

- Even Hedwig ships you two


- Spending the summer at the Weasleys, of course.

- Mrs Weasley stuffing you with desserts. Pies, cakes, everything.

- "Hey, (Y/n), wanna do some shoppings?"
"Ginny! She's my girl friend! Not yours!"

- " Ron, I think it's haunted around here."
" Why?"
" (Y/n), dear. This is a family of wizards."
" Oh, wait. Yeah."

- Playing harmless little pranks with the twins

- "(Y/n)! My socks are frogs!"
" What, oh, HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Ronald, I did it because I love you."

- Making Ron flower crowns

- Rides on the enchanted car late at night just around the house, so that no one will see you.

- Answering Mr Weasley's questions about Muggles

- Family game nights

- " What that chess always there? George! No cheating!"
" It's Fred!"


- Him getting you accessories, clothing, basically everything you wanted

- Or actually everything you so much as glanced at

- "Draco, how did you know I want these? They go so well with my summer dress!"
"You looked at it the other day, so I got them."
"I can't thank you enough for it!"
"Just thank me by wearing those with your summer dress."

- Dressing him up in your clothes because only you can do it

- He always looks at you with a lovey-dovey smile which Ron calls 'the Melt-foy face'

- Him calling Crabbe and Goyle, say, every two hours when you do something cute, or actually just normal things.

- Actual teenage girl that is Draco Malfoy

- "Oh my god, Goyle, (Y/n) made me wear her swim wear today. Adorable, isn't she?"

- Getting him into Muggle movies

- His favourite movie is the Addams Family

- Getting him to wear bright colours clothes

- Getting drunk together

- Rocking out to Nirvana and having dance parties


- Also spending the summer at the Weasleys

- Trying out so many sweets that you two got into a sweet coma

- And of course, Mario Cart

- "Aw, dang it, you can't cheat with magic, can you?"
"Haha, Weasley, you're on your own."

- Wii-fit

- "Hey, (Y/n), wanna play tennis?"
"Sure, but it's raining."
"We've got Wee."
"What? Oh, its Wii."

- Playing tennis in the rain anyway

- George wanting to cheat at tennis but accidentally set off some fireworks

- "I've been wanting to do that."

- Eating pies that makes you make animal noises

- One of you sounding like an elephant and the other sounding like a duck for the rest of the day

- Miraculously communicating and on one having any idea on what a duck quack means


- Since he's so dang tall, you get piggy back rides all the time

- He trips and you two fall into a body of water. Either a pool, a lake or a pond.

- "Fred, you created a pond in your living room."
"Mum's gonna kill you!"
"Shut up, Ron!"

- Purposely trying to confuse you on which one is George and which is Fred

- You can always being able to tell though

- Looking angelic in front of the Weasley parents and they adore you because they think you can 'tame' Fred

- Only the Weasley children know you're not that 'tamed' yourself

- You're a little trickster just like Fred

- It was actually your idea to levitate the house

- Also the time where all the chairs know how to talk

- Broom stick rides, of course

- Water balloon fights

- Getting him into the youtube world

- Pewdiepie is his favourite 

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