How he takes care of you when your sick

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You rarely got sick so when you did, Harry would not let you go out of his sight. If it was a fever or even just the common cold, he would fuss and fuss over you, until you got better. He'd get especially nervous if you were in the Hospital Wing. That's when it got serious.


Whenever you got sick, Ron took extra special care of you. He'd make you soup, bring you drinks, and literally waited on your hand and foot. He picked up a few tricks from his mother, so he used them to his advantage.


Draco was quite calm about the whole situation. He'd take you to the Hospital Wing and make sure you're relaxed. He'd sit by your bed every day until you were better, even though it didn't take long for Madam Pomfrey to fix you up.


Fred, being Fred, would mostly just try to cheer you up. He'd have no clue how to help, so he turned to the next best medicine: Laughter. He'd constantly crack jokes, all while making sure you were comfortable and relaxed (which was easy cause you were with him).


It is common knowledge that George loves sleep, so when you catch a cold, he makes you sleep it off. You may or may not feel 100% cured from your symptoms afterwards, but you were able to forget them for a little while. George always made you feel better.

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