When Someone Makes Fun of Your Weight

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Harry: One day a bunch of girls asked Harry why he would ever liked a girl like you. He immediately grew angry, and defended you by telling them that you would always be a lot more beautiful than them and that he would never like a girl like them.

Ron: Ron noticed you skipping meals and decided to question you about it, after a few days of you not showing up. He found you crying in the girls bathroom after Moaning Myrtle flew around complaining about you not leaving her alone. When he questioned you and found out what happened, he told you that you were beautiful, and nothing would change that.

Draco: There we rumors going around of a group of girls making comments about your weight. You hadn't been seen in a while, hiding in the Room of Requirement, not really wanting to face anyone. And suddenly Draco's heart turned to ice, vowing to make anyone who hurt you life a living hell.

George: He didn't seek revenge because he knew what you really wanted was support and to feel loved. He held you as you cried, held up a pillow to punch when you were angry, and told you jokes when you needed them. He would do anything to make you feel better and to see your smile.

Fred: He was sitting next to you in Potions when he heard the whispers of the kids behind you, making fun of you and how you looked. Tears were starting to form but you didn't say anything. He however whipped around and hissed, "If you ever talk to, about, or even look at (Y/N) again I swear on my life I will make sure you regret it for the rest of your life." They were shocked by his outburst be you gave him a weak smile anyway.

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