You catch him staring

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Harry: You sat in the library studying. You had O.W.L.s coming up soon, so you were under a lot of stress from your parents. You look up from your book, a weird feeling spreading through your body, a feeling you're being watched. You turn around looking for the culprit. You glance around the room only to meet bright green eyes staring back at you. You make eye contact and he immediately looks away, blushing. You smile a little to yourself. Pushing a stand of hair behind your ear and looking back down towards your book.

Ron: You sat in The Three Broomsticks with Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe. You were all talking about what you wanted to do on your last Hogsmeade trip of the year. "Why don't we go to Honeydukes? We can get some candy to last us through the end of the year?" Marietta suggested. "Sure, just let me finish my Butterbeer," you said. You looked up gazing round the room as you sipped on the warm liquid. You let your eyes wander to the second level and around at all the tables with your fellow students. Your eyes locked on a pair of blue ones. He began blushing, right before he looked down you gave him a small wave.  

Draco: You sat in Potions class listening to Snape drone on. "Y/n and Draco, you will be working together today," Snape said walking by the table you were sitting at. I walked over to his table with my textbook and ingredients. "Some of you will benefit from today's assignment: Wit-Sharpening Potion. Perhaps you should begin immediately." Snape said in his cool monotone voice. You turned to Draco and opened your book to the page written on the board.

1. Mix in Ginger Root until lime green.
2. Mix Armadillo Bile until blue.
3. Mix Ground Scarab Beetles until red.
4. Remix Armadillo Bile until red liquid is yellow. (Not dark green)
5. Remix Ginger Roots until brew is lime green.
6. Mix Armadillo Bile until the potion is purple.
7. Allow potion to simmer for 10 minutes.
8. Add more Ginger Root until the potion is dark orange.

You sighed and pulled out your Ginger root and began slicing it up. You looked up at Draco to check you were doing it right, only to see him staring back. "What are you staring at blondie?" you ask with a huff. "I could ask the same of you," he said with a smirk. "Well, I was just checking you were doing it right so you wouldn't get a D." you said annoyed. "As if!" Draco exclaimed, "You just wanted to look at me," he said a larger smirk weaving its way onto his features. "Then why was it I, who found you looking at me first?" you asked him, grinning knowing you had won the argument. "Well, why were you so concerned with my grades?" he asked, slightly chuckling. "Bite me," you growled between clenched teeth. "If you insist,"

Fred: You arrived at the burrow, excited to see your boyfriend Fred and his family. Hey, they were basically your family, you were around there so much. You just walked in the door, "Hey guys!" you yelled into the house. The twins, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Harry came running down the stairs. "Y/n!" Hermione said running up to you, embracing you in a tight hug. You were two years younger than Fred, but that didn't mean you couldn't have feeling for each other. You went over the hug George and saw Fred staring. "Awe, is my little Freddie jealous I didn't hug him first?" you teased in a baby voice. "I wouldn't be the one calling someone little," he joked, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You screamed in joy. "Fred," you said while beating your fists on his back, "put me down!"

George: You were eating at the Gryffindor table with the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Neville. You were all discussing Quidditch, specifically the Gryffindor team. You were talking excitedly about the first time you ever played on the team. As you were scooping more potatoes onto your plate you noticed George staring at you. "Hey Georgie, do I have something on my face? Why are you staring at me?" you asked him. You snapped your fingers in front of his face. "Whuh? Huh?" George said frantically, clearly surprised by your snapping. You giggled as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, realizing you caught him.

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