Christmas At Hogwarts Would Include...

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+Butterbear and warm gingerbread

+Gingerbread men that come to life

+Knitted presents from Mrs Weasley

+Hermione gifting you with loads of parchment, ink and books that she knows you'll love

+Getting a prank gift from the Weasley Twins before they give you their real one

+Looking up at the snowy scene on the ceiling in the Great Hall

+Wrapping tinsel around the bedposts

+Delivering christmas cards via owls

+If the Triwizard Cup was taking place, going to the Yule Ball

+Running through the snow to get to class

+The dungeons get extremely cold so potions class becomes unbearable

+Decorating the common room

+Snowball fights with the other students

+Cheating by enchanting the snowballs

+Ice skating on the black lake when it freezes over

+Ultimately getting in trouble for it

+Taking several trips to Honeydukes for all sorts of candy and treats

+Being invited to the Weasley's Burrow for christmas

+Christmas parties within the house common rooms and dormitories

+Although some people from different houses go to other house parties

+McGonogall finding out about the party but leaving it because it's christmas  

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