Dating Draco would include...

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-being feared by first years, but they find out you're actually really nice

-him being super overprotective and possessive of you

-you trying to convince him to stop being mean to muggleborns

-him refusing to at first but eventually did it to make you happy

-back and forth teasing each other all the time, whether it be stupid nicknames or whatever else

-if you're in Slytherin- His parents instantly loving you and accepting your relationship with their son

-if you're not in Slytherin- his parents not liking you at first, but Narcissa warming up to your eventually,and her trying to convince Lucius to change his mind as well

-him forcing you to sit at the Slytherin table with him and his friends, even if you're not a Slytherin

-befriending Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise

-Pansy hating you at first, but eventually getting over the fact that Draco was yours, and you became very close

-him sneaking you into the boys dormitories to sleep next to him

-getting a warning from Snape the first time, but him never acting upon it any of the billion times after

-potions being your best class, and Snape being your favourite teacher

-long walks in the winter, and him giving you his jacket when you get cold

-cuddling in front of the fire place in the common room

-everyone knowing not to mess with you or hit on you because Draco will kill anyone who even looks at you wrong

-and the PDA oh my god

-him getting jealous very easily

-contests to see who can go the longest without kissing the other

-him losing everytime

-his record is 3 hours

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