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"Hey Mare, how are you?"

"Is this Grant?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. I called myself on your phone last night after you fell asleep so I would have your number..... And now that I say it outloud, I hear how creepy that sounds."

"Yeah... Wait I fell asleep while you were still here?! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

"No no it's fine. It was late anyways."


"Mare? You still here?"

"Yeah! Sorry, I'm embarrassed."

"Don't be. I'll probably do my fair share of embarrassing things in front of you over the years."

"Doubt it!"

"Oh please! Grant is the most awkward person in the world!"

"Umm, who was that?"

"Oh sorry that was Dani."

"Wait are you working?"

"Yeah, duh. I'm literally always working."

"Then why are you calling me?"

"Cause I'm on lunch break and I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh. Well since you're on set, have any spoilers you wanna spill?"

"Yeah.. Barry dies."

"Oh good! I hated him!"


"I'm just teasing you, cupcake."

"Cupcake? Are we in that point in our relationship where we call each other nicknames?"

"Hey want to walk me back?"

"Back where?"

"Back to the friendzone."

"Ouch. Hey you started it, Marebear."

"Oh no. You did not just call me Marebear."

"I did."

"That's disgusting."

"I think it's cute."

"It makes me sound like a two year old girl who wears hello kitty tshirts and her hair in pigtails."

"I think that is a very accurate description of you."

"No, Grant, no it's not. I don't have enough hair to put up in pigtails."

"Yes you do, you're exaggerating."

"Grant we are shooting in four!"

"Ugh. Sorry I have to go back to work."

"It's fine, go hang out with your gorgeous co-stars."

"I'd rather hang out with the gorgeous person on the other end of this line."


"Hello, Mare?"

End Call

A/N: Sorry for the filler chapter:(

I got an A on my honors history final!!

Also don't forget to vote!!

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