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I lay on the sofa of my living room eating a bowl of cereal despite the late hour. I am watching Legends of Tomorrow, trying to get a feel for the show so I can write the crossover episode with the Flash. At around one thirty in the morning, Grant walks through the loft's door. I sit up so Grant can sit with me. He plops down on the couch, exhausted. 

"Long night?"

"I hate you," he says glaring at me. my heart skips a beat for I don't know what he means. My mind searches for a reason for Grant to be mad at me and- Oh. I know why.

"You filmed the scene," I laugh. He glares at me again. 

"This isn't funny, you killed Dani."

"Honey, do you really think I would kill off my best friend. Her contract with the CW isn't even up yet. She'll be back in a couple of episodes."

"I don't care," Grant says pouting. "You made Caitlin die violently and that was mean."

"Aw I'm sorry little baby," I say mimicking a baby voice. 

"She died in my arms Mare!"

"I know wasn't it amazing?" I say enthusiastically. "I mean Caitlin goes through all of these hardships since season one and then all of a sudden she gets shot in the heart. Some of my best work I feel."

Grant huffs. "You are evil... but it was really good scripting."

"B-Barry, please..." I say dramatically falling into his arms.

"Caitlin look at me, you're going to be fine... Cait- Cait c'mon please," Grant says overdramatically. 

"Barry... Never stop running," I choke still in my sarcastic tone. 

"No Cait, please don't leave me... I can't do this without you."

"You can do this Bare," I say like a damsel in distress. "You are the Flash."

"Not without you I'm not," Grant says and then plants a kiss on my forehead. I go limp and stick my tongue out to signify that I am dead. Then I start laughing hysterically and so does Grant. 

"You should be an actor," Grant says sarcastically. I shake my head no. "But seriously, it was sad."

"I know, I wrote it."

"I didn't even have to fake cry," he tells me. "In fact I was crying so hard my director told me to take it down a notch."

"Aw, I'm sorry Cupcake," I tell him. I pull him over and he leans his head on my shoulder. "On a brighter note.."

I take a piece of paper out of my pocket and hand it to him. He gapes at it and smiles.

"That's our baby," I tell him. "It's a girl."

"Of course it's a girl," he says jokingly. "You wouldn't have it any other way. Neither would I."

He kisses me with so much emotion that it's almost overwhelming.

"What a great way to tell me you love me," he says. My facial expression must show that I'm confused because he elaborates. "Having my baby. Our baby."

I smile and kiss him again. "I don't even understand how much I love you."

"Hey," Grant looks at me. "Can we name her Dawn?"

I look at him to see if he is serious. When I see that he is I start to laugh. "You want to name our daughter Dawn?"


"Because it's a nice name? Or because it's the name of Barry Allen's daughter?"

He looks at his lap sheepishly. "A little bit of both."

I crack up at his embarrassment. "I'm sorry hun, but we are not naming our child after a comic book character."

"Can w-"

"We are not naming our child Hermione either."

"I wasn't going to say that," Grant says defensively. I raise my eyebrows in doubt. Then he mumbles, "I was going to say Luna."

I shake my head at his inner fangirl. I find it cute how excited he is about our family. 


A/N: Guys I have ideas just when I write them out they are so short!!!!! Ugh. 

Well this one is almost done!! I have an idea but I don't know if I'm going to do it cause it's really sad and it'll put you guys through emotional distress.

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