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"So what do think will happen next?" I ask Grant.

"What do you mean," Grant says confused. We're sitting on the couch I close proximity, drinking beer and eating pizza. I smile and lean my head into the crook of his neck.

"I mean what do you think will happen to us? I mean it's a great time in our lives and we are happy so what do you think will happen next? Car accident? Plane crash? Ebola?"

"Why does something bad have to happen?" He asks worried. Despite the fact that we have been together for three years, Grant still hasn't accepted the fact that I am bad luck. I find it really adorable.

"Cupcake," I sigh. "Something always happens."

"Mare," he states sternly. "Please just accept that that part of your life is over. Nothing bad is going to happen to you or me or Dawn. We are going to be fine."

I sigh and snuggle in closer to Grant. "I don't understand it Cupcake. How can you always find a way to calm me down."

"Maybe because I'm your husband," he smirks.

"Or maybe it's because you know that if I'm not calm I won't give you what you want," I smirk back. He shrugs and then laughs.

"Just think," he says pulling me into his side. "Three years ago we were eating Chinese food in your hospital room."

"A lot has happened since then hasn't it."

"It sure has," he says kissing me. "It sure has."


A/N: So there will be a few more bonus chapters like this. Hope you like them! Please COMMENT AND VOTE!

Thank you:)

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