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The day before the wedding...

"Can you believe that tomorrow I get to call you my wife," Grant asks me while he hands me a plate of pancakes.

I don't answer; I just pick at my food. Grant sits next to me concerned.

"Wait you're not having second thoughts are you?"

"What? No of course not. If I was I'd make you take me to the hospital to check for another brain tumor," I say jokingly. He doesn't find it very funny though.

"Then what's wrong," he states instead of asks.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just worried."

"What are you worried about babe," he says taking my hand in his. I sigh.

"Grant what are we doing? I mean I'm twenty five, and I don't even know how life works and I don't know what's going to happen to us and-"

"Mare slow down," Grant soothes.

"Grant what's going to happen in the future. Our future. Like do we want to move? Have kids? Do you even want kids?"

"Do you want to move?"

"No! Of course not I love it here! I just don't know what the difference is between being married and being boyfriend and girlfriend is! And you didn't answer my second question."

Grant sighs. "Kids? I don't know. I've always wanted them but now I'm not so sure." He covers his mouth with his hand as if he didn't mean to say that last part out loud. My heart falters.

"Now you're not so sure? What's that supposed to mean."

"I don't really want to talk about this right now."

"No we will talk about this now. Why don't you want kids anymore? You love kids."

"No, Mare I don't want kids with you!"

I freeze. It feels as if I have just been hit with a semi-truck. The level of confusion and pain I feel is overwhelming. My breath quickens and I feel faint.

"W-What?" My eyes start to flood with salty tears.

"No, Mare," Grant says regretfully. "I- I'm sorry that's not what I meant. I-"

"No Grant. That is what you meant. I just don't understand why, I mean you asked me to marry you and you told me you wanted to be with me. But you don't want to have children with me? Do you not want to get married? Is this some kind of way of telling me you're breaking up with me?"

My words come out fast and loud. I stand up and walk out of the kitchen. Grant trails behind me like a dog.

"Mare just listen to me, please."

"What could you possibly say to make this better!"

"I want kids!"

"Just not with me, I get it."

"No I do want kids with you."

"Now I'm just confused," I say melting onto the floor. I lean my back up against a wall.

"Mare," Grant whispers sitting next to me. "I want kids with you, I just don't want them to be like you."

"Okay you do know that you aren't making the situation better right?"

"I know, I'm sorry. What I mean is I don't want to bring a child into this world that will have to suffer like you did."

"You mean get cancer?"

Grant nods.

"Are you stupid? Cancer isn't genetic you idiot!"

"I know but Barbie was telling me that the risks are so high that it might as well be genetic. And what if our child wouldn't be as lucky as you."

"You're pathetic," spit out.

"I- I thought you would understand, agree with me even. Why are you so upset?"

"I'm just done with cancer ruining my life!"

"No there's something else Mare," Grant yells annoyed. I stand up and so does Grant.

"I'm pregnant Grant!"

Grant just stands there shocked. I stay silent, tears running down my face. Grant takes a step closer to me and smiles.

"What now you're happy? I thought you didn't want kids."

"You know why you had cancer for seven years?"

"Cause the universe hates me," I say to lazy to argue about his subject change.

"No, sweetheart, it was because you were alone. You didn't have someone to love you."

I huff. "Is there a point to this Grant?"

"My point love," he says as he wipes the tears from my fave, "is that if our child turned out to have cancer, they would have us."

I smile, feeling a lot better. Grant folds his arms around me in glee.

"We're having a baby," I say in disbelief. "We are having a baby and we are getting married tomorrow."

"Maybe the universe doesn't hate you as much as you thought."


A/N: Dedicated to anyone who feels like the universe isn't on their side.

Lol actually dead I am writing like seven books at the moment yay me!

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