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I trudge over to the OB nurse at Vancouver General. I've never actually been in the maternity wing here. It's one of the few places I haven't been. Here and the morgue.

"Excuse me," I tell her. "I think I'm in labor."

"I think you are too sweetie," she says ushering me to an open room. She pages my OB and stabs my back with an epidural. I text Grant.

Get your ass over here. Now.

What's wrong?

I think I'm in labor.

My OB walks through the door. He takes one look at me and his face is shocked.

"Marybeth? You're not supposed to be here for another seven weeks."

I start to panic. What's going on? What is happening? Why am I so early?

"I'm only at thirty three weeks," I say hyperventilating.


I lay in a scratchy hospital bed in the fetal position. It's been an hour and a half since I have birth to the one pound, seven ounce baby that I have been carrying for the past seven months. Grant is just as paranoid as I am but he won't show it.

"Mare," he says kneeling in front of me. I don't answer. I want to see my baby. I haven't even held her yet. She was rushed off for immediate surgery, somethings wrong with her lungs or something. She wasn't even crying.

"Mare," Grant says again. I can here the sadness in his voice despite his efforts to cover it up.

"Is this my fault?"

"What?" Grant moves a piece of hair out of my haggard face. "Of course not, this is not your fault. This was out of your control okay? I'm sure everything will be fine, Mare."

"Why is this happening to us," I ask shakily. "We're good people. Why do things keep happening to us?"

"I don't know Mare," he says taking my hand. "All I know is that we need to focus on our little girl because she needs our help."

I nod silently. I can't think, I can't breathe. The only thought that is hosted in my mind is that I have failed my child. I had her for a second and then I lost her. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Gustin?"

I look up to see my OB standing at the door. I sit up nervously. Grant squeezes my shaking hand. 

A gloomy look appears on his face. 


A/N: Guys so this is like a 400 word chapter which sucks. So would you rather have short updates everyday or long updates every week?

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