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One week later...

Morning arrives awakening me from a sound sleep. My first thought is of Grant, as was my last thought the night before and the night before that. My second thought is how awful I feel. 

My head feels as if someone ran it over with a semi truck. My peripheral vision seems to be dark. My phone buzzes and I pick it up to see the name on the screen.


Despite the pain in my head, I answer yes anyways. 

Almost there:)

I slip on a pair of leggings and a navy blue sweater and slip out the door and into the lobby. There I wait for Grant to come and pick me up. I see Barbie come rushing out of the elevator and look around. She spots me and stomps over to my seat. 

"Marybeth Adams," she says loudly. 

"Yes Barbie?"

"Where do you think your going?"

"Out to breakfast with my boyfriend," I say in an obvious tone. 

"Okay," she says looking worried. 

"Why what's the matter?"

"Your MRI scan from a few weeks ago, it had some funny readings," she says sadly. My heart starts to race in panic. What is that supposed to mean? 

"I- I thought you said it was clear," I say trying to keep my voice calm but failing. 

"We thought it was clear but your weekly blood test had something wrong with it. We looked back at the MRI and spotted something we didn't see before. Now don't panic, it may be nothing. I scheduled a CT for eleven o'clock so be back by then."

I take a deep breath in efforts to calm myself down. I feel arms grab me around my waist and pull me in close from behind. A familiar scent fills my nose and I smile, forgetting about the maybe bad news I just got. 

"Ready to go?" asks Grant turning me around. The pain in my head fades a bit when I see his caring eyes. 

"Yep," I say smiling. I say bye to Barbie and leave out the sliding glass door. A snowflake hits my nose the minute I walk out of the hospital. I shiver in the winter air and the tall guy next to me pulls me closer to him. We get in his car and drive a few blocks. The radio plays Christmas music softly in the background as we drive passed buildings covered in lights. 

"Think the snow will last till Christmas?" I ask. 

"Most definitely," responds Grant. "Oh I love this song."

Grant turns up the radio and starts to sing along. I hate to admit it but I totally started to fangirl. I'm sorry, even if you didn't know that Grant was famous, having him sing in front of you would make your heart melt. 

"I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need," he sings along with Mariah Carey. I start to laugh at his theatrical facade. He motions for me to sing too but I shake my head. I have never sung other than in the shower before and I probably suck. In fact I know I suck at least in comparison to the handsome boy next to me. 

"C'mon you have too," he tells me with a sweet smile. 

"I can't sing," I laugh. 

"It doesn't matter, it's a Christmas song."

I groan and then finally give into his request. "Make my wish come true, oh. All I want for Christmas is you!"

Grant's jaw drops. "I thought you said you couldn't sing!"

"Was that good?" I ask. I smile feeling proud of myself that I found something I was good at. 

"That was amazing," he says stunned. The music continues to play and we continue to sing along with Music Goddess Mariah Carey. 

We pull into a parking lot behind a small bagel store right as the song ends. I look at him and start to laugh uncontrollably and he does the same. 

"Did we just sing a duet, in the car, on the way to get breakfast?'

"Yeah I think we just did," he says.

"How much more cliche could that have been," I ask sarcastically. 

"Not very much," he says looking at me like I am the only thing that matters. Tears well up in my eyes as I begin to think of my situation. Just a few weeks ago I had been okay with the fact that I was going to die soon. But now I actually have a reason to get up in the morning. Now that my life has started to be more colorful, it's all going to be taken away from me. 

"Hey what's wrong," he asks sympathetically. 

"You are the thing I cherish most in my life," I tell him in a scratchy voice. 

"You know I feel the same way," he says still looking concerned.

"I just hate goodbye's, you know?"

"Mare, what are you talking about," he asks. The tears that had been sitting inside of my eyelids start to spill and I sob. Grant gets out of the car and walks over to my side. He sits next to my and closes the door. I cry into his side and he holds me tight. 

"Barbie told me that my tumor might have spread."

"What," he says breathlessly. 

"Best case scenario my blood test was false and they miss read it," I tell him regaining my strong voice. I don't cry much and I certainly don't cry in front of others. My walls start rebuilding themselves and I wipe my tears away. 

"Mare," Grant says soothingly. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. You could be half dead and I would still be lying next to you telling you how utterly amazing you are."

I smile and kiss him. "I've known you less than two months yet you are the only person who can make me feel better."

He grins and opens the car door. "Maybe we're soulmates," he jokes, mocking me. "You still hungry?"

"Always," I tell him. 

He laughs and pulls me out of he car. "How can you manage to cry all your makeup on and still be the most beautiful person in the world."

"I'm magic," I tell him sassily. 

"Agreed," he smirks taking my hand. 


A/N: This is gross but do you ship it yet??


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