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One year later...

I wake up to the chill of the Vancouver morning air blowing in through the loft window. I stir and turn over to face Grant, who lays next to me asleep. I roll up next to him, feeling his warm breath tickle my nose as I press my lips softly to his.

"You left the window open Cupcake," I whisper. My body shivers in cold so cuddle up next to Grant taking in his warmth. He stirs and opens his eyes.

"What time is it?" he groans.

I reach over to the nightstand where my phone sits.

"Crap," I say leaping out the bed. "It's ten o'clock. We have to be at work for the read through in half an hour."

Grant slowly moves from his relaxed position in the plush sheets. He gets up and pulls me into a gentle hug. I struggle to get out of his embrace playfully.

"So what if we're late," Grant says kissing the crook of my neck. "It's not like we'll get fired."

"Heh no, you won't get fired. I on the other hand am disposable."

I brush out my baby fine, now shoulder length hair and throw on a white lace top and black jeans. I throw some makeup on my face, nothing too special.

Grant and I drive through the Vancouver streets toward the Flash's Studio. We enter the conference room where the whole cast and crew are sitting at a large table.

"Hey guys," Grant says to his co-stars. They respond with nods and hellos. I sit next to my editor and start to talk about the following episode that we will be writing. I over hear Grant talking to Tom.

"So are you going to do it today?"

"Yeah I think so."

Do what? I wonder. We read through the episode stopping here and there to edit a few lines to fit the actors preferences. After we finish I gather my things and start heading towards Grant. He is talking with his co-stars when I walk up to the group they all stop talking.

"Uh hey guys. Grant we need to go I'm going to be late."

I have a followup appointment at the hospital to make sure my cancer hasn't come back. We drive to the hospital nervously.


I walk out of my appointment with Barbie. I see Grant standing in the lobby by the receptionist desk. I look at he spot with memoir; it's the spot where we met.

I walk up to Grant, who looks really nervous. I look into his eyes and smile widely. I laugh relieved and then speak.

"Cancer free!"

Grant gasps and wraps his arms around me. I am lifted from the ground and spun in a swift circle. After being put down, Grant presses his lips to my cheek then my forehead, then my lips.

"Mare," he says ecstatic. "I have to ask you something."

"What," I ask curiously.

"So I think I have already established how much I love you."

"Yeah I kinda figured that out when you insisted on staying with me while I was puking all over myself."

"You know that I can't function without you."

"So I've heard," I smirk.

"And I already plan on spending the rest of my life with you."

"Yeah I was kinda hoping you would."

"So I was wondering, Marebear Adams, would you just put this ring on your finger so I can call you my wife already?"

He pulls out a silver ring with a large diamond on it. I gasp and can feel tears welling up in my eyes. I can't bring myself to speak, all that comes from my mouth are small stutters. I spot Barbie in my peripheral vision.

"If I were you," she tells me. "I would say yes."

I start to nod my head vigorously. "Yes. Of course."

I take the ring he hands me and slip it on my finger. I am overwhelmed with joy and bliss. The fact that a boy loves me enough to commit to years for my bowl crap, makes me teary eyed.


A/N: I literally have just stayed in bed all day typing books that I will never publish and watching Daredevil season two for the second time:)

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