Jack was one troublesome lad that had been expelled from several other schools. Until he gets to Sylvestre Academy located in LA, California. A young boy named Mark becomes his only friend, maybe more.
It was midday and I had been out of the hospital for a week now. The early signs of spring were starting to bloom everywhere on campus and off. My roommate, Jack had been avoiding me since I got back from the hospital. I'd seen him hang out with Ken and Felix more which was strange.
Every now and then I'd catch a swift scent of something on Jack. Like a herb scent. It drove me mad not knowing what was going on with him. I cared a lot about him and I could tell he knew.
The note given to me in the hospital had yet to be explained yet. Which was very annoying to me. What was he so sorry for? Maybe I was over reacting too much.
It was lunch time now and I was searching for Jack in the crowd of other students. I saw Ethan with his puppy dog eyes popping out from his pale skin. His hair shone a bright blue in the sun. Bob was sitting with him, laughing at a dumb joke Ethan had probably made. I missed them a lot and longed to hear one of their stupid jokes again.
I turned away and began looking for my dear friend again. Was he even still my friend? Who's to say.
I finally spotted him, his blue skinny jeans sculpting his legs perfectly making me gush a bit. He was walking fast towards the dorms which confused me. He looked around a bit before going in and then dashed into the building. Why is he s on edge?
I followed him into the dorms, being careful not to be noticed. He turned a corner, heading towards the singular dorms. I watched as he knocked on a door and was immediately yanked into the room. Was he secretly seeing another guy? Is this why he wouldn't let me kiss him?
I stepped towards the door he had went into. Heavy metal music was leaking through the soundproof walls and that smell I had realized Jack had smelt like, stained the atmosphere around the door.
I stepped back and read the door number, "168b" I whispered to myself. I had to find out whose room that was.
I stepped outside again with a new determination in my chest. I'll admit, I am a little jealous of whoever that dorm belongs to. They got to spend more time than I did. I was raging inside. Who was this person? I need answers, now.
I stepped back onto the courtyard, Poppies blooming under the bases of the large trees. I spotted Matt, a Scrawny kid with mean computer skills. If anything he would know who's dorm that was.
I approached him, wary of the fact word may have spread to him about me being gay.
"Hey Mat." He looked up at me confused.
"What do you want Mark?"
"I was wondering if you knew who's dorm number this is. Its 168b." He looked up from his computer confused.
"That's Felix Kjellberg's room. I'm surprised you didn't know that." My face went pale as I realized why Jack smelt like that. He'd been doing drugs with him. Or my suspicions of them hooking up were right.
"Thanks dude." I rushed for our dorm even though I had classes. I was going to wait until he got back. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it. I want him so badly but I don't know if he wants me back. I wish he did though.
I laid back in my chair, thinking of all the good times we'd had so far since he had come to America. I thought about when we went to a karaoke place together with Bob and Wade. He had gotten so proud of our duet that he hugged me. I grabbed my phone and looked through my pictures from the past couple of months. I found a picture of us hugging that Bob had caught with my phone.
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I teared up at the thought. I missed him to be honest with myself. I feel like I need him in my life, like God has sent an angel to look over me and that angel is him. My feeling are trying to beat me up over something so silly. He probably hates me.
I looked over to his side of the room, at all of his posters and his desk, containing sheet music and bits and pieces of a computer he was working on.
He was so smart, if only he knew how others see him. Well how I see him.
A while later I heard foot steps coming towards the door. The handle turned and the door opened revealing a Jack who looked high and tired.
He didn't realize I was there until I spoke up.
"Where did you go?" He jumped, knocking over a figure on a nearby shelf.
"What the hell man?" He exclaimed, obviously high now that he had spoken.
"You explain to me why you were with Felix. Please Jack. Why?"
He stood there, a blank expression on his face, obviously confused of what I was asking of him.
"Is that why you don't love me?"
"Mark, I-I-I dunno what you mean. Of course I love you."
"Bullshit Jack."
"I do! You have to believe me!" He was spinning in place.
"Sit down Jack you need to get better." I got up to help him sit but a sharp pain could be felt in my stomach.
"Did you- did you punch me?" I was shocked. the punch didn't physically hurt me, but it sure did mentally.
"Don't fucking touch me Mark." A face scary enough to make Dracula freeze came from his face.
"I'm sorry Jack. I was just trying to help."
"Don't. I don't need it." Right then and there he collapsed on the floor.
"Jack?" I got down on all fours and shook his shoulder a bit. After he didn't move, I panicked. I picked him up in my arms and ran to the nurses office.