Jack was one troublesome lad that had been expelled from several other schools. Until he gets to Sylvestre Academy located in LA, California. A young boy named Mark becomes his only friend, maybe more.
"Wake up sleepy head." a voice rang in my ears, making my head spin a it.
"Yup. You sure did scare the hell out of him. Who would've known he would get so upset at you for doing drugs with who was it again? Oh right, Felix." A man in a hoodie said next to me.
My dorm was almost pitch black. To my horror, I realized I was strapped down to my bed.
"Who the hell are you?" I screamed at the darkened figure.
He leaned over the edge of my bed and began whispering something in my ear. "You'll never know who I am and neither will your sweetheart Mark."
"Don't you lay a Goddamn finger on him!"I shouted, anger piercing my veins.
"Hmmm too late for that Jackaboy." He laughed as he stood up and left the dorm.
What the hell???
I woke up with a start in the nurse's office.
"Calm down honey," she turned and called into the hallway,"He's awake!"
A tall man came into the room, he had thick frame glasses and a gnarly beard.
"Ah I'm gad to see you up." He had a thick English accent when he spoke."So, tell me, who gave you the drugs?"
"What?" My head spun when I tried to think about it. Like a flash, vomit flew from my mouth and onto the ground next to my bed.
"Nurse, get the mop and a bucket for this student. Jack you passed out from toxin inhalation a.k.a. drugs." The nurse he had summoned walked in the room with the requested items.
"I-I think I got them from this one kid, uhhhh," I was now more conscious of my actions and was thinking if I should take revenge on Tyler for all the mean things he'd said to Mark but I was gonna be somewhat honest. "I think this one kid Ben? Or maybe it was Tom..." I trailed off in thought as the doctor stared at me, waiting for a final answer that never came.
"Do you know how you got here?" he puzzled.
"Not really. All I can remember was Mark yelling at me for hanging out with the kid who gave me the drugs. Then it all went black."
The doctor looked at all the notes he had collected from the session then looked back to me. "I think Jack, that you need counseling for a bit to express feelings you've had and to help keep you away from these narcotics. Deal?"
I looked at the ceiling, really not wanting to go to counseling for drug abuse but if it meant making Mark happy, I would do it.
"Deal. Now let me outta here." The doctor nodded and grabbed a note and called a security officer into the room. He looked strong enough to bend a car in half. Well if this is my life, guess I'll go with it.
I got up from the bed as the guard helped me to my dorm.
When I got to my dorm I turned some rock music on, blasting my speaker loud enough for the kids in the main building to hear it, if the walls weren't sound proof that is.
I laid in my bed for a while jamming out to the music. It was around 3:00 when I fell asleep.
I woke up but didn't move. My body was frozen again, but this time, I was awake for sure. Light was shining through the curtains and the faint sound of the shower hummed through the walls.
Mark was out of his bed and was now slightly humming in the shower. I listened for a while remembering the tune he was humming. Or at least I thought I was. I soon fell asleep again, to the soft sound of Mark humming.
I woke up again, no humming or the sound of water hitting the tiled floor of the bathroom. I sat up in my bed to see if I was late, I wasn't but at least I checked.
I peered over to Mark's side of the room only to be met with the picture of his perfectly defined back muscles.
"Goddamn." Shit.
He turned his head to meet my gaze.
"Were you starring at me?"
"Uhhh What if I was?" His face turned bright pink as a formed a small smirk on my face.
"Well I guess-" he took a couple steps toward my bed,"I guess I wouldn't mind." I stood up out of bed to meet him in the middle.
"Did you like what you saw?" he asked looking at me.
"Possibly." I put a hand on his bicep. He watched me as I did so. My hand slid down his arm to meet his hand. He looked into my eyes, a jolt of sudden happiness filled his gaze.
"Hmmm you must really want to kiss me." I teased. His face still growing pinker, doubled it's shade.
He leaned in closer and so did I. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and cheek, making my stomach tingle. His arms wrapped around my waist and I put mine around his neck, starring into his deep brown eyes.
All of a sudden my phone went off. I jumped out of his arms to silence it.
"I'm sorry Mark." I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom to change for the rest of the school day.
The day had gone by flawlessly after that. It was now fifth period and I was going to music. Mark had insisted that I join him in choir but I turned the offer down.
Mrs. Kittle, the music teacher was sitting behind her piano, organizing sheet music and papers that she'd left on the piano from the previous week. This week we were learning about several lesser-known composers who created very famous pieces.
"Ok class, take your seats!"
I sat next to Marzia, An Italian girl who had also moved here from Europe. Her features were slim and petite. Her brown hair was cut to shoulder length and her black eye liner fit her face perfectly.
"I heard what happened Jack, are you alright?" her accent making her almost difficult to understand at all.
"Uhhh yeah I'm fine."
"I also heard you slept with Emma." I was dumbfounded. Who is Emma?
"You're so pathetic. You don't remember? You were high weren't you. Oh My goodness." She started laughing quietly to herself.
"What's so funny Ms. Bisognin?"
"Nothing Mrs. Kittle."
"That's what I thought young lady. Now class..." I didn't pay attention to the rest of the lesson. I was to busy thinking about Mark. the image kept going through my mind of him.
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