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Me: *cries*
Sebby: what's wrong?
Me: *sobbing* no body likes me enough to write a chapter and now I have to stress over making one
Sebby: that's ok I got you *hugs me*

Neko POV
I woke up to an arm on top of me. Thinking it's my sebby I snuggle up closer to the mystery person.

Chuckling the person said "I didn't think you liked me"

Shocked I get up and look into the person's face. It's Claude but wasn't alois the one who came into the room?

"Alois had business to attend to and didn't want his new pet to be cold without any body warmth"

"Go to hell"

"Sorry to break this to you but I've already been"

"You can be so annoying"

Realizing that I was in an over sized night shirt with nothing underneath other than my garments I started blushing.

"G-get out" I yelled throwing a pillow at his head

"As you wish"

Ciel POV
Sebastian has lost it he's completely mad. I feel just the smallest bit sorry for him since it is my fault. I have forbidden him from saving his "kitten". But the house does feel really empty with out her. Whatever Will we do?

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Sebastian: are you still mad
Me: yea...*puts head down and mumbles* sorry guys for the short chapter I promise for a better one tomorrow

Sebastian  x neko a Black Butler fanfic [completed]Where stories live. Discover now