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he smells so familiar. who could this guy be I've never met him and Sebastian never mentioned him. this is strange.

"if you don't mind I wish to see the bodies please"

"please take no offense to this but what makes you suitable to see the bodies?"

"oh deer I'm very sorry you must be an autor though so I must respect your opinion"

"h-how did you know"

"well the ink on your cuffs and then the letters on the inside which I presume are your ideas as to not forgot them and alas the callused bump on your finger from the over all years of holding a pen"

"that's extraordinarily accurate"

"yes yes as you see he is very capable he may notice something that we have not" Ciel rushed and with that I showed them the way

"wait for me" the earl grey yelled fleeing out of the kitchen

going into the first room we see the german business man lying. The new house guest walked over to the body "humph there is only the one external injury a single blow with a blade that was quite sharp" pulling out gold looking bottle he inspected it "hm an I see he was over fond of drink, nasty habit"

"and how'd you figure that out" grey walked closer to the body

pulling the intricate pocket watch up so that the earl grey could see "this pocket watch is of considerable value" turning the watch so you could see the backside Jeremy continued "and there are scratches all along the key hole only a drunk man would leave such marks. then of course there is a strong scent of alcohol he had a stiff drink shortly before his death." taking in a deep breath I notice the change in his attitude.

"what is it now?" I question him

"I think I detect a whiff of the sea, I say young lady do yu have a handkerchief?"

"well it depends what's it going to be used for?"

"its alright ___ I have one" the doctor took out a ____ handkerchief and gave it to Jeremy

opening the dead guys mouth I watch in detest and interest as he places the cloth into his mouth and then in turn sniffing it. getting up he walks over to the now horrified doctor

"very much obliged" dropping the handkerchief in his hands he turns around to face the silent Ciel "if you could show me where the other man is"

"right this way"

walking down the hall to the next room we open the door and crowd around the corner and watch in silet intisapation as we watch to see what Jeremy does

"i can see that this is a very different murder due to the two poits in the side of his neck. its way to different way of a murdere. id like to see where the murdere took place"

"yes right this way"

walking up the stairs towards the room I realise we had lost Jeremey "u-um excuse me master but we seemed to have lost jermey"

"ah yes sorry I was a bit winded carry on" taking out a hankerchief he dabs his forehead

"-wha I ave you my hankerchief because I thought you didn't have one!' the doctor exclaimed

"hurry now dt dwaddle"

entering the room we watch jermey look around a bit nd then anonce "i can conclude that there is multiple murders it is of theutmost importnacey that we catch phlp's murdere and so we must wait until night fall and then ciel and _______ I'm going to need your assistance."

"i can hardly wait but in the mean time the butler is next. shall we be off?"

"i believe you said he was stabbed after receiving a blow to the head ill just take a closer look" lifting the sheet up but just barely.

Ciel suddenly got very queasy and complained about the body and with the doctor and earl grey in tow wondering how it is that he feels this now and not with the other bodies.

soon it was just me and jermey in the room

"ive missed you so much"

startled I look up to see jermey "I'm sorry do I know you from somewhere" smiling innocently I tilt my head

growling the guys eyes turn colors "don't mess with me"

"it is you" running into the demon butlers arms I am intoxicated with his scent

"I'm sorry I had to do this but I realy was murdered so I have to stay undervover" whispered while petting my hair

"aww no fair I want t go under-"


"nope nope nope"

"if you don't say it I'm going to tickle you"

before we had a chance I hear footsteps shoving Sebastian under the seet I start to pretend cryinand see that the earl grey had stormed in. pulling off the sheet rther quikly I am greeted with sght of sebastins face and not the jerey.

"surely it cant?"

"are you ok earl grey" I wipe away my tears

clearing his throat with a cough he nods his head and walks out

"that was close. but I have to get back to the kitchen"


hey guys long time no see. I'm very sorry for the late update and then a short chapter but it was long I had 2 thousand words and I didn't save it and so when my computer reset it was all gone I cried for awhile and then I finally got back to work. I'm very sorry but I hope you can accept this picture as a piece offering. (go up to the top and look at the picture. if your to lazy its a picture of Ciel and pocky)

Sebastian  x neko a Black Butler fanfic [completed]Where stories live. Discover now