Chapter 3.

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Cole's POV

I was too caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't hear Robin calling out to me. It wasn't until Chase finally shook me that I looked up at them.

"What?" I snapped

"I was just asking if I could invite the girls over." Robin said

"Which one?" I ask

"My girlfriend dude." He sighs

"Oh yeah...forgot about that." I say and Chase chuckles

"You just met them yesterday." He says and I shrug

"So can they?" Robin asks

"Can they what?" I ask

"Sit with us Cole! Can my girlfriend and her friends sit with us?!" He says and shakes his head

"Jeez what's wrong with you today?!" He asks

"Sorry. It was just something that happened. Don't worry about it." I say

"Oh and yeah sure they can sit with us. Why can't they?"

"Well I mean you are enemies with my girlfriend's best friend." He points out

The memory of Alexa helping me yesterday replayed in my mind. I guess she's not a complete bitch after all...

I shrug at Robin and continue eating as the he and Chase go over to the four girls table. The six of them walk over to the table and take a seat.

Alexa was seated in front of me and I saw her glance up at me. She looked back down at her food and avoided my gaze.

Everyone got into their own conversation except Alexa and I. I was about to speak up and say that I had to go until Alexa whispered to me.

"Did you do your nebulizer?"

I actually did. I always hated using the nebulizer but I did do it. Alexa's words kept running in my head and I actually did use the nebulizer. I also have my inhaler with me at all times, which was something I don't really do.

I whispered a yes and she looked up at me and smiled a soft smile. I was shocked. I have never seen her smile. Usually when I see her, she has a scowl on her face.

"Inhaler?" She whispered

"I have it." I whisper back


She gets up with her tray and smiles at her friends.

"Welp. I'm done eating so I'm gonna go."

And with that she walks away

End of Flashback

That was a week ago. Her and her friends have been eating with us ever since and every day she would ask the same questions. Everyday I answered yes, until today. I forgot to do the nebulizer cause I was sleepy and tired from training. My nebulizer was in my gym bag, which was currently not with me.

I didn't really think much of it. I thought she'd just shake her head at me and call me an idiot. It's something she would definitely do. But boy was I in for a surprise.

"Did you do your nebulizer?" She whispered


Her eyes snapped up at me. She glared at me and looked so mad. I didn't expect her to be mad...I mean why would she care anyway?

"Inhaler?" She asks

"Gym bag in the locker room." I said and she clenches her fist.

She shakes her head and gets up. She walks away leaving all of us in confusion. Her friend, Jess, said it would be fine and that she was probably just gonna go to the restroom. We all went back to what we were doing. Alexa did come back after a few minutes and sat down; Not taking one glance at me. I shrugged it off and finished my food.

When lunch time ended I saw coach coming up to me with a piece of paper and my gym bag.

"Some girl told me to find your gym bag and give it you, along with this letter. I didn't know why but she said it was really important. I read the letter and I gotta say Cole, I agree with her." He says and pats my shoulder, before leaving to his next class

I looked at the note and read it.

Reynolds you fuckin idiot. When I said make sure to keep your inhaler with you at all times I fuckin meant it. I do not want a repeat of what happened the other day. Keep your health in check idiot.
All the hate,
Alexa Brians.

I sighed. It was unusal having someone keep me in check. Someone always making sure I did my medications. My parents make sure I'm healthy by buying me the necessary meds, hiring me the best therapist, making me go to the best hospitals, making me meet the best doctors. But my parents don't really ask me themselves how I'm doing. They never really kept me in check. They just asume that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

Alexa is the only person in a long time to actually care. The only person who actually makes sure I'm doing well, and forces me to keep myself in check.

It's weird that I don't mind her bossing me around. I hate being bossed around and told what to do. But I guess the way she bosses me around to keep my health in check, makes me feel cared for...

What the hell am I thinking?!

I hate her. She hates me.

Why on earth would she care about me?


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