Chapter 35.

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Cole's POV

It was finally Firday. Lexi comes back home tomorrow morning. It was so so lonely without her. I forgot how lonely and empty the house was without her. I had Cola but it was still as if something was missing.

"And here he is again. Sulking." Robin says as he sits down. I look at him confused.

"Dude. You've been like this the whole time Alexa has been gone." He tells me

"What do you mean 'like this'?" I ask

"Sulking. Sad. Boring." He lists down

"You know what's so funny though?" Chase says as he sits down. He's been avoiding Jess lately so he sits down with us now. Jackson and Harrison have no idea what's going on between the two of them, nor do they know where Lex has been. They eat with their other friends most of the time now. Jess...Poor Jess has been all by herself. I pitied her. I know she was hurting. She was sad because of what happed with Josh, with Lex and with Chase. Chase, too, was hurting. He was hurt with what happened with Lex and with what Jess had done to his little sister. He was also missing Jess, another reason he's hurting.

"He has been ignoring Ariana the whole week. It's so funny. She's been wearing even less clothing, she's been clinging to him and trying to get his attention and she's gone with other guys to make Cole jealous. All of her attempts to make Cole even spare a glance at her has failed. It's hilarious to watch her face." Chase laughs

"I noticed the clingy part. It annoys the hell out of me." I roll my eyes

"But the rest?" Robin asks amused

"I never really noticed that." I say

"Someone's been stuck in his head." Chase smirks

"Alexandria Brians. I wonder when she's coming home..." Robin smirks

"Tomorrow." I say

"We know." Robin chuckles

"Dude you've been counting down." Chase says

"I don't see why you won't just ask her out already." He says

"I...don' that..." I hesitate with every word I say

"Bull-" Robin starts

"-Shit." Chase finishes

" I may like her. How would I know if she likes me back?" I say feeling a bit sad

"Dude!!! You're practically a couple already. The only thing missing is all the kisses,  make outs and an offical title." Chase exclaims

"Chase is right." Robin agrees

"Listen here. When Alex gets back, I want you to take her out on a date and then ask her to be your girlfriend. If you come to school on Monday with a different girl in your arms then I'm gonna hit you in the head so hard till you forget all girls you've been with and just remember Alex." Chase says seriously

"You're getting really boring Cole, I'll be honest. You don't go to much parties anymore cause your weekend is spent with Alexa. You still flirt with chicks, yeah, but lately it's gone down. your best friend, I want you to be happy. You need someone to make you happy. Give love a chance again...forget about her. I may not be close with Alexa but I know she's nothing like her."  Robin says

Robin was absolutely right. Nobody could make me as happy as I am when I'm with Lex. She's the only one who could make a huge true smile on my face. The whole world doesn't matter. She makes me forget all my struggles.

"Okay..." I start to say. The two of the cheer but I raise my hand.

"IF...Chase gives Jess another chance and Rob will finally give a girl a chance." I finish

"No promises." The two say in unison

I sigh. I don't wanna be the only one who's happy with a girl. I want them both to find a girl who makes them happy. The door to the cafeteria opens and in comes a girl who was trailing behind the principal. She was a tall girl with hazel brown hair. She was fit and gorgeous. She wasn't a slut, thankfully. The pirincipal was talking while she followed behind him. She kept her eyes trained to the floor. Evreryonw turned back to do what they were doing except Jess. Jess was looking at her in shock. I furrow my brows in confusion but shrug it off.


I was talking with Chase and Robin by my car. Olivia had his arm clinging to Robin and Ariana was clinging onto mine. I was annoyed and Chase was finding this amused. The new girl walked out of school and was walking to the car that was near us. She accidentally tripped and fell on her knees,spilling her new books on the floor. The girls laughed at this. Robin rolled his eyes and pushed Olivia off. He made his way to the girl and helped pick up her books. She smiled gratefully at him but all he does is give her a curt nod and walk back over to us.

"Baby, why did you help that loser?" Olivia asked, putting her arms around him again. He rolled his eyes and peeled her arms off him. He says bye to Chase and I before driving off.

"Ugh!!!but he was my ride home" Olivia whines

"Aww you can ride my car. I'll be going to Cole's, so he and I can...hang out." Ariana says as she looks at me seductively

"Nope. Busy. Drive yourselves home." I say. I get in my car. As I close the door and start the car, I see a red faced Ariana and Chase. The difference was Ariana was red of anger and Chase was red of laughter.

I made my way home. While I was driving, I planned a date for Lex and I. It's been really long since I've taken someone on a date...

I parked my car in the driveway and went inside. I was greeted by a delicious smell. It smelled like...cookies. I figured Marie was baking cookies,for what I don't know. I quickly made my way to the kitchen. My jaw dropped when I saw the beautiful chocolate brown hair.

"LEXI!!!!!" I yell excitedly

She jumps and turns around quickly. A wide smile breaks across her face when she sees me. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. I pick her up and twirl her around.


"I can tell" she giggles

I didn't let her go. I missed hugging her. I buried my head on the crook of her neck. She giggles and pushes my head.

"Staph. It's ticklish." She giggles

"Ohhhhhhhh I missed you so much" I say again. She chuckles and peels my hands off her. I pout at her.

She takes out the cookies from the oven. I take a deep breath, inhaling the delicious smell. My mouth watered at the smell and sight of the cookies. I was about to take one but she slaps my hand away.

"These are for later." She says


"We're having a movie marathon and these are our snacks." She pokes my nose. I pout but nod. She puts down the cookies to cool. I scoop her up in my arms again and carry her to the living room. She laughs but doesn't protest.

I plop her down on the couch and she cuddles into me. I smile widely as she does this.

"Why are you back early?" I ask curiously

"Well...the doctors said that I've improved greatly and that I can go home early if I want. They also told me that I have to keep doing what I've been doing to get completely better. I'll only need my meds when I'm feeling really sad." She says

"What have you been doing?"

"I haven't been doing anything." She shrugs

" come you're getting better?" I ask

"I haven't been doing anything to make myself feel better and happier. You've been doing that." She says as she looks me in the eyes. I light up and immediately pull her in for another hug.

"Thanks Cole."

"Anything to see you get better and to see that beautiful smile on your face."


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