Chapter 19.

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Cole's POV

The car ride was silent. Lexi was driving because I couldn't drive today. I was distracted and constantly zoning out. I told her where to go and she put it in the GPS.

I haven't told anyone about my baby sister except Chase. Chase knew about my baby sister because we were best friends since diapers. Chase was judt as devastated as me. He treated Aurora like his own little sister. He always wanted a little sister. He loved the idea of being an overprotective brother.

We arrived at the cemetery and I grabbed the flowers and exited the car. I walked slowly and I could hear Lexi's foot steps following me. We reached the gravestone. We reached my sister.

In memory of the beloved Aurora Reynolds

Birth: September 12, 2008
Death: September 12, 2015

I sat down and placed the red roses in front of the grave. I sat down on the grass and Lexi sat next to me. I wasn't the only one who visited her today.
Red roses were swarmong her grave.

"She loves red was the flower in most princess movies."

"Is this..."

"My little sister. Yeah."

She looks at me but I look away from her.


"Don't what?" She tilts her head in confusion

"Don't pity me. Don't sympathize me. Don't say 'I'm sorry for your loss'. Don't. Just don't." I grit my teeth

I have had enough with people saying those words. It's annoying when they do that. It's a cruel reminder that Aurora is dead and gone. They look at me as if my world is gone and it has. Must they remind me?

"Why would I do that?" Lexi asks, still confused.

"What did you lose?"

"My sister!! The little precious angel in my life." I yell at her.

"That's what you believe? You lost your sister?" The way she was talking right now made me more and more angry

"I lost my sister in a car crash!!! I was the stupid ass driver. When I got out of the car I couldn't reach her. I ran for help and as we were running back to the car, it exploded. It fucking exploded with my Princess Aurora in there. I shouldn't have left her. I could have saved her. I could have done so much to save her...." My voice got softer and softer as tears formed in my eyes. I blinked and a few drops fell to the grass

"You lost your sister physically Cole. She's not here with us right now physically." She starts talking

I look up at her confused. She scoots closer to me.

"Your sister is always with you. You might not see her but she's there. She's also looking at you from above. Most importantly though, she's here." She says putting a hand on my heart "Your sister's love for you didn't die with her. It's still in your heart. Your sister is still in your heart."

"Don't think that your sister died. Because as long as you love her, she'll still be alive in your heart." She smiles lightly at me and turns to Aurora's grave

"Am I right Aurora?" She ask her

She obviously got no response. But as we sat there in silence letting the cool breeze hit our skin, I just felt like Aurora agreed with Lexi. Aurora also wouldn't want me to be sad. She always hated it. Everytime I cried, she cried.

I gasp at this. All this time when I've been crying, moping and being upset, Aurora must've been to. It must've pained her to see me like that.

"I'm sorry Princess...I must've hurt you when I was being all depressed...I hope your happy now though. I hope you'll find peace." I say

"I love you so much Princess."

I turned to face Lexi who was already looking at me. I lightly smile at her and then attack her in a huge hug.

"Thanks Lex..." I whisper

"Anytime Cole." She whispers back

We stood up and bid our farewell to Aurora. As we walked to the car I felt emotionally drained. Lexi drove again and I just looked out the window.

"I have PTSD..." I say out of the blue. She looks at me with wide eyes but I grab her chin and make her look at the road.

"Do you take medicine?" She asks

"Yeah..." I sigh

"I hate it. It makes me feel like there's something seriously wrong about me."

"I know right." She chuckles

My eyes widen and I look at her. I actually glare at her and she glances at me curiously fron the driver's seat.

"What?" She asks

"Did you take your medicine?"

She bites her lip and looks at the road silently.


She smiles sheepishly at me and mumbles a soft sorry. I sigh and shake my head at her.

"What about you? Did you take your medicine?" She asks.

It was now my turn to smile sheepishly and mumble a sorry.

When we arrived home I see Chase and Robin's car. I get out and Lexi follows me. As soon as we get in we are attacked by hugs.


The two of them start talking while Chase comes up to me and smiles lightly. I nod at him and he gives me a bro hug.

"Did you tell her?" He whispers in my ear

We pull away and I nod. He nods while looking at Jess and Lexi. A huge grin makes it's way on his face.

"Wait wait wait" Chase interrupts the two. They both turn to look at him and his grin just widens as he looks at Lexi.

"Your full name is Alexandria Francesca Brians?"

Lexi blushes a bright red and glares at him. Chase starts laughing very hard.


Jess' eyes widen and she starts running. Lexi runs after her, leaving the rest of us laughing with Chase.


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