Chapter 65.

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Robin's POV




"I agree with her." Jess speaks up. We all turn to look at her. She looks at Alyssa in pure disgust.

"You KNOW that your twin loves him. You KNOW they're in a relationship. You KNOW he's moved on from you. You KNOW they're falling for each other...and yet you STILL try to break them apart." Jess shakes her head

"Jess-" Alyssa starts, but Jess shakes her head again

"Don't even SPEAK to me anymore." She says

"You see that? Bitch. You have the NERVE to say all those things in front of Alex. You have the nerve to beg Cole to love you in front of Alex. You are a cold hearted selfish bitch." Brian glares at her

The others look at her in dissapointment. Matt, Brian and Olivia make their way out with Jess, Chase,Hailey and I following heir lead. I stood a bit behind and watched as Alyssa looked at Cole with sad eyes. He shakes her head at him, and walks out too.

We all faced each other, and Brian spoke out what was in all our minds.

"We have to find Alex."

End of Flashback

We were 8 people looking for 1 girl, but none of us found her. It was late at night, so we assumed she crashed with a friend of hers. The next day, we all tried again. We've been looking for 5 days now, but we found no trace of her. She wasn't at school nor was she at work.

Everyone was worried sick. Cole wasn't eating properly. He looked tired and weak despite having sleeping pills to drink to go to sleep. Jess and Chase also took it really bad. Chase felt terrible for being the worst brother very. Jess felt guilty for hurting Alex again. Hailey wouldn't talk to anyone except me. Olivia and Matt were worried sick. Brian has been missing work and his family to keep looking for Alex. They were all greatly affected.

Me? Sure I was worried, but Alex and I weren't super close. I wasn't anything like the others. I was the only calm one in the group. I kept bugging everyone to take care of themselves or to stop crying or comfort the.

I also have no clue what happened to Alyssa. We've been avoiding her, and so we don't see her.

My alarm goes off signalling it was time to go to the hospital. I turn to face Hailey, who was cuddled up next to me.

"Babe, I'm gonna go to the hospital now." I say to her. She looks up at me, and nods her head. She gives me a quick kiss before I stand up.

"Say hi to the kids for me." She says softly. I nod my head, and kiss her forehead. I grab my keys and make my way to the hospital.

I regularly go to the hospital to visit patients who suffer from a severe illness. I mostly visit the kids. I do my very best to make these kids happy and keep them smiling. I also help with the new borns. I may seem like a heartless jerk, but I have a huge soft spot for kids.

I'm not the typical delinquent. People just assume I'm a bad boy becauase I was able to knock a guy out with only punch. I also like driving my motorcycle that was given to me by my dad. Then I became cold hearted and emotionless when Alyssa, who I treated like a little sister, left. I saw what it did to Cole and ever since then I didn't believe in love. Now because of those four reasons, I became a "bad boy". I accepted the title and suddenly all the girls came to me, making me a player.

Besides Cole and Chase, I stopped caring for anyone anymore since Alyssa left. She was the closest thing to family,but then she left me like everyone else. I hid all my feelings. Then one day I fractured my ankle from soccer. I went to the hospital and they put on the cast. When I tried to look for the exit, I caught a glimpse in the window of a patient. A little boy was having trouble breathing, and no one was in the room to help him. I yelled for the nurse as I walked into the room to try and help the boy. Long story short, I helped the boy that day when his mom/doctor stepped out for a while. Ever since then, I took care of the boy and visited him often. Another day, I saw a girl who was crying. I felt the need to help and comfort her, so I did. As time goes by, I started visiting the children who were ill. I became a common visitor. The nurse's and doctors already know who I am. A nurse asked me for help with the new born's once,and that's how I started helping them out there too.

These kids softened up my heart. I wasn't the heartless bad boy in the hospital. I was far from it.


I opened the door to one of the kid's room, but to my surprise little Charlie wasn't in here. The doctor turned around to face me.

"Oh! Hello Robin. If you're looking for Charlie, he was moved to another room. He was moved in with Peter since they could use each other's company anyways." The doctor informs

"Oh. Okay. Sorry for interrupting Doc. I'll be on my way then" I apologize.

"Oh! Would you like to meet the new patient?"

"Uhm. If I'm not interrupting..."

"Oh. Of course not!!"

"He already knows me Doc" a familiar voice weakly says

"Oh really?" Doc turns around to face the patient

"Uh huh."

That's when the doctor moves a bit so I could see her.

"Hi Robin" she weakly smiles

"Oh my god...Alex."


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