Chapter 38.

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Alexa's POV

"So Mr. Reynolds, what have you got planned for us today?" I say

"Well Ms. Brians, I have cooked us a salmon with sauce that was my grandmother's recipe." He replies

He cuts off a piece of the salmon andd feeds it to me. The salmon  was beyond delicious. I can't even describe it. The sauce was so creamy and delicious. The salmon was soft and it almost felt like it was just mellting in my mouth. We continued to eat like that, feeding each other. Cole also brought some wine for our drinks.

"Well...You are one hell of a chef Cole Reynolds." I say smiling widely

"Why thank you." He smiles back at me

I took out the strawberry roses that I made and handed one to him. He looked at me im shock.

"I wanted to make you something too." I smile sheepishly. He laughs and eats the strawberry. He moans as he chews, making me giggle at him.

"This ks so good. And you designed it really well." He  compliments

We continue to eat the food we made for ezch other and by the time we were finished, we weere stuffed. I laid on his lap and played with my hair.

"Are you enjoying today?" He asks nervously

"Of course!! This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I admit

"'re having a good time?"

"I'm having a good time."

He lights up when he hears that and hugs me tightly. He then lets me go and pulls me to stand up. He takes my hand and leads me to one side of the pond. He then pushes out a small boat that was fit for two. He was grinning widely as he pushes the boat into the water. He gets in and holds out his hand for me to take. I took a deep breath before taking his hand and entering the wobbly boat.

"Where did you get this??" I ask

"I have my ways" he wink

We managed to lay down in the boat. My head was on his chest and he was playing with my fingers as talked. We were playing 21 questions.

"First love?" I ask. He knew about my first love, Josh, so I wondered who his was.

"...I'd rather not talk about it." He says bitterly

" know my first love? Sleep." I say trying to lighten up the mood

"Sleep is your first and last love." He says

"Maybe, maybe not." I say

"What's your favorite song at the moment?" He asks

"...I don't know." I say truthfully

"You wanna know mine?"

I nod. He takes out his phone and turns up the volume to the max.

You're better than the best
I'm lucky just to linger in your light
Cooler than the flip-side of my pillow (that's right)
Completely unaware
Nothing can compare to where you send me
It lets me know that it's okay (yeah, it's okay)
And the moments when my good times start to fade

You make me smile like the sun,
Fall outta bed
Sing like a bird,
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record,
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool,
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold,
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile

Even when you're gone
Somehow you come along
Just like a flower poking through the sidewalk crack
And just like that
You steal away the rain
And just like that


Don't know how I lived without you
'Cause every time that I get around you
I see the best of me inside your eyes
You make me smile

You make me dance like a fool,
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold,
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Oh, you make me smile


(Oh, you make me smile)
Oh, you make me smile
(Oh, you make me smile)
Oh, you make me smile

He was smiling at me throughout the whole song. I asked him why and he answered

"Because it's like the song is about you,and I'm singing it to you."

I thought about it and found he was actually right. It was like our song for each other.

"It's sort of like our theme song." I chuckle


"So wait...the girl you like..." I trail off

"Yes Lex. It's you. And I'm pretty damn sure I'm the guy who you like." He winks

"Cocky much?"

"It's true though right?"

"Well duh. If it wasn't, then why would I have said yes to being your girlfriend?" I say

"Okay good. Just making sure." He says

"Ahhh girlfriend. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that." He sighs happily. I smile widely when I hear this. He pokes my cheek and I turn to face him. He's gotten  a lot closer. So close that our noses were touching.

"You know what else I'll never get tired of?"

"No. Care to share?"


He then closes the small gap that was between us. The kiss was beyond amazing. It was so full of passion and longing. It's like he's been waiting so long for this. My body was tingling all over and I just wanted yo squeal in delight. But since I couldn't do that I did something else, I kissed him back with just as much passion. I kissed him back as if I was trying to show him how happy I was.

Once we pulled away for air we were in shock. We stared into each other's eyes for a while.

"Damn." We both whispered

"Yup. Never getting tired of it." He smiles widely


The rest of the date was spent talking, cuddling,sneak kisses and comfortable silence. The date was simple but it was the most fun I have ever had. By the end of the night, I realized something. Ever since I became friends with Cole, I changed. I became happier, more confident and healthier. Cole changed me for the better. He's had such a huge impact on my life.
He's helped me more than anyone. It was only Cole who could do that. He was bringing back the me I never knew existed. With Cole, I was finally happy. All my struggles have gone and disappeared. He was my happy place.


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