A Special Message...(Please read; Very important)

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So we understand that you're probably going through a lot of shit right now. You're going through some struggles that are making you depressed.

Everyone has days where they feel so depressed. For some people, that's everyday. But let us tell you now that you are not nothing.

You are NOT UGLY





                 Y  O U    A R E     L O V E D                     
                 Y O U    A R E      L O V E D

Whoever tells you otherwise, whoever calls you bad things are lying. They are all lying and they can't open their eyes and see just how amazing you truly are. They are blind to your  beauty. And if the person who is calling you bad things is yourself, then you're wrong. You're blind. Open your eyes and look at the amazing person you are.

Love can beat depression. You will need love from others, love from family, etc. But the most important part is love from yourself. If you can love yourself just as much as others love you, then you can take on the whole world.

If you think no one loves you, then you're wrong.        ~Alexa and Cole

I love you. I, the author, love each and every one of you. You are all special to me. Yes, I have never met any of you, and I have might have never talked to you, but guess what? I freakin love you. I love you for supporting me. I love you for being there to make me smile everyday when I see your accounts pop up on my notifications. Heck, even if you don't vote or comment I still love you for taking your time to read this. I love you for being one of the reasons I'm happy.

You make me feel happy, special, and loved. That's why I am telling you now that I love you for that 

So now guess what? Someone loves you.

I. Love. You.

You. Are. Special.

I created this story and this coupleto show how love and caring can conquer anything. Alexa and Cole have gone through a lot of struggles, but with the love and care of their friends, family and each other, they conquered their struggles. And I believe that you can do it too.

I have so much more to say, but I'll save that for next time.

Just always remember that the next time you ever feel sad or depressed, talk to someone who is willing to share your pain. I am more than willing to. You can talk to your friends, siblings, family, or even me.

The next time you ever feel unloved, lonely, weird, different, ugly, pathetic, useless, worthless and etc, you promise me that you will talk to someone. You could talk to me, you know that. I'm not some snob that doesn't reply. I will listen to your stories and not judge them.

If you can't promise me that, then promise that if you ever got sick like that again then you would read this page. This page only if you want. Read what I am saying to you because it is the truth.

Love yourself just as much as I love you.


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