Chapter 18.

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Cole's POV

I groaned as I heard my alarm go off. It's been weeks since Lexi and I kissed. We never talk about it because we had a silent agreement to not speak of it again. I checked my phone and saw the date flash on the screen.

My heart stopped and I held in a sharp breath.'s the day huh? I felt the tears in my eyes as I stood up and walked to the picture frame that was layed facing down. I took the picture in my hands and a few drops of tears fell.

I quickly wiped my eyes and kissed the picture. Feeling depressed, I did my morning routine sluggishly. I went downstairs and saw Lexi and Axel eating breakfast. Marie was probably out already.

"Hey Cole!!!" Axel greeted me. I wasn't feeling up to it today, so I nodded at him and got my food. I brought my food up to my room and ate there.

I didn't eat for the rest of the day. I just stayed in my room and watched the videos and looked at the pictures . I fell asleep at one point and I was greeted by an all too familiar nightmare.

"So did you have fun princess?" I ask the adorable little girl with the huge Teddy Bear in her arms.

"YES!!!!!" She squealed

She has never been to a carnival before so obviously I took her there for her birthday. We pigged out to the carnival food and I won her many prizes. Her favorite is the huge white teddy bear she was clinging to right now. She named it Cole, saying I was just as cuddly as the bear.

"This was the best birthday ever. Thanks Big Bro!!!!" she smiled widely at me.

"Really? best birthday ever?" I smile

"Yeah!!!!" she yells. I laugh and ask her why

"Because I spent the whole day with the bestest brother in the entiiiiire universe!!!" she says. I smile and pinch her cheeks.

"I love you so much princess"

"I love you sooooo much Cole" She says and smiles widely at me. She hugs the arm that wasn't on the steering wheel and I smiled down at her. Too lost in my thoughts, I forgot I was driving.

Everything happened so fast. A car zoomed and drove straight to our car. My sister screamed and I tried swerving but was too late. The car already hit us and we ended up in the next lane. I tried gaining control but a bus suddenly hit my door. The car fell on it's side and the passenger seat door is now trapped by the floor. I hit my head and could feel the blood dripping from all the shards of glass. I didn't care though. I focused on my sister who had stopped screaming and was now whimpering in pain. She looked up at me.

Pain shot through me and it wasn't because of the glass. It was because  my baby sister was in so much pain. I so badly wanted to take away all her pain.

" hurts everwhere." she whimpers. With the little strength I have left, I kicked opened my door and unbuckled her seatbelt. I got out amd tried to reach for her.

"Princess...Aurora...precious angel...take my hand."

Aurora reaches for my hand but I couldn't reach her. I see the ambulances approaching and I turn my head to look at her.

"Aurora I'm going to get help okay? you'll be okay. I love you baby sis" I tell her

"I love you too" she whispers

I run to the ambulances and cry out for help. People rush out and just as we were about to run back to the car it exploded into flames.

I scream in pain and drop to my knees.

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