Chapter 5.

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Cole's POV

Alexa and I's friendship has slowly been growing. Though we are still a bit mean to each other, we both know it's just fun and games now. Alexa is actually a really nice person, once you get passed all the sass. I feel terrible and guilty that I was so mean to her. For years she has been bullied because people knew I hated her.

Everyday at lunch she would ask me if I did my nebulizer and if I have my inhaler. After that, I ask her what she ate for breakfast and then watch her eat lunch. I make sure she eats and she makes sure I'm not gonna have another attack.

We were currently at the library, doing our own homework. Our friends were all busy at the moment so we decided to hang out. Speaking of them, they actually don't know that Reynolds and I are friends now.

"Hey Alexa?" I ask but then cringed. I wanted to try it but instantly regretted it. This was my first time saying her first name and it felt unusual to me. Sure I said it in my head but it sounded better in my head only.

"Ew. No. Please. Don't. It sounds so weird when you say it." She cringes and I nod in agreement.

"Hmm how about Alex?" She suggests but I shake my head


"Lexi?" I ask and she smiles

"Yeah. I like that." She says

"Lexi it is then." I say

"Mkay. So what did you want?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to say sorry for putting you through all this shit." I say and she laughs

"Cole that's the 5th time this week. I told you, it's okay. I forgive you." She says smiling at me

"When did you...when did you start?" I ask

She hesitated to answer me.

"9th grade. No one found out about it for a long time until one day my brother caught me putting on a tank top and saw just how thin I was. He forced the truth out of me and then made sure I was eating. He gave me a specific diet to follow and I started to become healthier. I had a relapse just recently but nothing happened at all because you noticed really quick and started forcing me to eat." She said

"I'm so glad I stopped you." I say and she shrugs

A girl came up to us and I recognize her as one of the sluts I've been with. She smiled seductively at me amd held onto my arm.

"Hey babe...I was wondering if you could come with me to clean up the hot wet mess I made" she purrs in my ear, trying to be sexy. It really wasn't working but hey why not have some fun?

Apparently Lexi thought of something else fun.

"What happened? You spilled the soup? I could call the janitor if you want. He could help you" Lexi said smirking

"Ugh. Bitch. Mind your own fucking business" The hoe says

"Yeah well it's hard to do that when you're practically raping his arm right in front of me." Lexi sasses

The hoe gets off me and slaps Lexi on the face. Lexi sighs and shakes her head, looking unfazed.

"That was the worst excuse of a slap." She says and stands up.

"Listen up hoe. Do you know who I am?" Lexi says walking near the hoe. The hoe's back hit the table and she had nowhere to go.

"Yes. You're the fat nerdy bitch who thinks she's all that, when she's not. You're just a fat ugly bitch who actually thinks she has a chance with Cole Reynolds." The hoe says and Lexi smirks at her

"I'm sorry are we talking about you or me? Cause frankly you just described yourself honey." Lexi says. The girl huffs in frustration and was about to go for another slap, but Lexi beats her to it. The slap was so hard that a bright red hand mark was left on the girl's cheek.

"Don't you DARE hit me ever again." Lexi says before shoving her down and storming off.I smirk and walk over to the girl. I helped her up before letting go and making her fall back down to the ground.

"Don't mess with my friends."

And with that, I walked away and went to find Lexi. It didn't take long because she was sitting by her locker, head in her hands. I sat next to her and she looked up at me.

"She was right." She says

"I'm a fat-" I cut her off

"Don't you fucking dare continue." I growled

"You shouldn't be taking these insults to the heart."

"They're not insults Cole. They're facts." She says

"Why should their opinions matter to you? Why should you care huh?" I ask, my temper starting to rise

She stays silent

"They don't matter. They're just some low life assholes who have nothing better to do. The only opinions that matter are from those you love and those who love you" I huff in frustration

"I have to go..." she whispers

"No, Lexi, Don't-"

But she was already running away. I sighed and riffled my hair. I didn't run after her. This was harder than it looks because this girl is so stubborn. She just won't listen! She's keeping to herself and not letting anyone in.

This can't all be because of the bullying though. Lexi is a strong girl; she wouldn't let just random people stomp her down. There's more things troubling her than just the bullying, and I'm going to find it out.


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