Chapter 14.

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Cole's POV

I watched as Lexi jumped into the man's arms. She looked so happy to see him. They hugged and laughed with each other as I stood in the background. He kissed her head and I felt my fist clench. I grit my teeth and when I had enough of their sweetness, I coughed.

"So uh who's this?" I grit through my teeth

"Why should you know?" The guy smirks.

He was trying to get on my nerves.

"Because I'm her friend and I care about her."

"Friend? So she's single then? That's great" Brian's smirks grows even wider. I was about to say something when a little voice cuts us off.

A little boy runs up to Lexi and she picks him up. My anger slowly fades away as I see her play with him. The little boy seems to really like her.

"Heh she's amazing huh?"

I turn around to see the guy behind me. He was smiling as he watched the little boy with Lexi. I looked back and nodded.

"Yeah...she is." I mumble

"So, I'm taking you're Cole? Or you could be the Chase guy but I doubt that." He says

"Yeah. I'm Cole."

"Cool. I'm Brian, Alexa's engaged brother. So there's really nothing to get jealous about." He smirks.

"I wasn't jealous." I defend

"Yeah suurree." He chuckles

"I was just being protective of her."


"I'm serious"

"Why are you being so defensive?"

"I am not!!"

This guy was annoying.

"Chill dude. I'm just messing with you. Are you sure though you're just "protective"?" He asks


We walk and sit in a bench a little further away from the others.

"So you really don't feel anything for her?" He asks

"Well I care for her."

"What is Alexa to you?" He asks

What is Alexa to me?

"Well she's my friend" I respond

"So then you always get over protective of your friends?"

"Uhhh no?"

"So then she's not just a friend"

"She's a special friend."


"Well...I don't know. She's just special to me." I say

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