Chapter 11.

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Cole's POV

After school, the boys and I went to this café that Olivia says makes great coffee. We all wanted to hang out for a while amd Olivia said that not much people will be there so we won't be bothered. So we all went there and Olivia was right, it was deserted.

We were all hanging out and talking to one another. I had my arm around Ariana, who was one of Lexi's friends. I gotta say she was hot as fuck.

Suddenly, Ariana leaped out of my arms and went to the table next to us, hugging the two person seated. Huh, I didn't notice them.

"ALEXA!!! JESS!!!" Ariana squeals.

Jess and Lexi stand up and smile at her. My eyes widen as I take in Lexi's appearance. Instead of her usual baggy sweater and straight hair, Lexi was wearing a blouse that actually showed her body and her hair was in light waves. Lexi wasn't fat nor was she thin. I'm guessing that thanks to her brother's diet, Lexi had gained some fat in her so she doesn't look so sickly. She was gorgeous.

All in all, I couldn't stop staring.

Suddenly a boy who came by and told Ariana to quiet down. Ariana batted her eyes at him but he didn't show any emotion. He just nodded and then turned to Lexi. They talked for a while then Lexi took his hand and dragged him away. I tensed and glared at their hands and felt a wave of jelaousy hit me.

No wait fuck. No. I am not jealous. No. Lexi can do whatever the fuck she wants with whoever the fuck she wants.

I glare at them a little longer before focusing on my friends. I tried not to, but my mind kept finding itself back to Lexi and how beautiful she looked.


A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Ariana looking at me. I hum in response

"Can you please take me home. I have no ride" She says and looks up at me with puppy eyes. I nod and she smiles and kisses my cheek

"We'll be going ahead." I say

They all nod and say their goodbyes. Ariana and I get in my car and I drive her home. She talked most of the way and I just gave short responses. I was bored out of my mind listening to her. When we arrived at her house i walked her to the door and she looked at me with a wide smile.

"Thanks for bringing me home, Cole. I had so much fun today. We should hang out again sometime, maybe just the two of us" she suggests

"We'll see" I say. She giggles and kisses the spot near my lips. She then whispers in my ear

"Bye Cole"

I take her face in my hands and kiss her on the lips. Her hands go up to my hair and she moans against my lips. We get inside the house and I push her against the wall. She breaks away and pulls me to her bedroom.

I think you know what happened next.

When I got home Lexi was already home. Her and Marie were talking and eating dinner. When they saw me come in, Marie chuckled and Lexi rolled her eyes.

"I don't wanna know the reason why your shirt is inside out." Marie says. I look down and saw that it was indeed inside out. I smiled sheepishly and went up to my room to change.

When I got down Marie and Lexi were finished eating. There was food layed out for me and I sat down to eat. Lexi was seated in front of me and she shakes her head.

"Let me guess, you fucked Ariana?"

I look up at her with a sheepish grin and she rolls her eyes at me. I see something flash in her eyes but it's soon gone.

"Damn. I didn't think it would actually happen. She's been crushing on you since forever. She's probably on Cloud 9 right now." She chuckles

"She was actually really good-"

"SHUT UP! I don't wanna hear it. It's gross enough that you fucked one of my friends. Don't make it even more gross." She cuts me off.

I laugh and she glares at me. Her hair was still curled and she was wearing a hoodie that I didn't recognize.

"Is that new? Your hoodie?" I ask

"Nahh. It's Jordan's. The guy from the café. Yeah he lent it to me cause mine accidentally got coffee all over it." She says

"Are you two together?" I ask the question that's been roaming my mind since I saw them together.

"Well we flirt a lot but nothing more." She shrugs

"You're flirting with him?" I ask. My fist involuntarily clenches the spoon and fork in my hands.

"Yeaahhh but it's all fun and games. He's in college anyways so he's wayyy out of my leaugue"

"Did you ever have a crush on him?"

"Oh yeah. I used to have a major crush in him. He's the only guy who actually thinks I'm pretty."

I furrow my eyebrows and look up at her.

"I think you're pretty" I say

"Yeah right. The pretty ones to you are the blondies with big boobs and ass" she scoffs

"No. I also like the girls with the brown hair and the blue grey eyes." I say

"Yeah sure Cole. I'll be going up to my room." She says and walks up to her room.

I sigh and ruffled my hair. I was not jealous of this Jordan guy. I am not. I swore to myself that I won't ever let myself fall for anyone ever again. I wasn't gonna go through what had happened all those years ago...

But this god damn girl with those amazing colored eyes.

She was seriously getting to me.


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