Chapter 49.

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Cole's POV

I was super stressed out right now. 1. Alyssandra was back and 2. Lexi won't talk to me.

Lex was right. The guys and I were assholes to Lex when all she wanted was to help. I remember calling her Alexa. I guess I was just really mad. I know it hurt her because I said it in such a harsh way. I know what she felt now when she called me Reynolds again.

"I'm goig out. See you guys later." Lex says as she walks down the stairs. She kisses mom and dad on the cheek before leaving the house. She's been avoiding me for days and it's killing me.  I soom rush outside andd go after her

I run to catch up with Lexi. I'm guessing she has her earphones on to max since I can hear them. I poke her once; No response. I poke her twice, still nothing. I poke her thrice. Four times. Five. Six. Seven. Eigh-

"What?!"she snaps

"Lex please hear me out" I plead for the millionth time

"Fine!!!" She groans. I hug her so tightlt as soon as those words come out. I kiss all over her face and thank her over and over again.

"It's...a long story though." I sigh and ruffle my hair. She grabs my hand, drags me back home and tells me to wait outside while she gets something. She comes back out with the car keys. We get into the car and ride in silence.

We soon arrive to a very familiar place. We were at the place where I took her out on our first date. We lay down on the grass and after a moment of silence,she speaks

"Okay. Tell the story"

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the heartbreak that was about to resurface.

"You remember that day when I first snapped at you?" I ask her. She nods her head

"I was in a really bad mood that day because I recently found out that my best friend and first love left." I start talking. I then begin to explain in detail

"When I was younger, I had a best friend. She was an adorable girl with really pretty hair. Her name was Alyssandra Aarons. She became my friend when I saw some kids stealing her chocolate and I gave her mine. We stuck by each other since then. We were th best of friends...but then I slowly became a cliché. I fell in love with my best friend. At first I tried to push it away, but then I decided to man up and just tell her. She admitted that she liked me too. I took her out, we dated and the rest was history." I took another deep breath before continuing

"She and I were in love. We loved each other a lot. She helped me with the struggles of mourning my little sister's death,and that made me love her even more. People thought that we'd be the couple that would end up getting married in the future. I thought so too. But then one day, she went to a party. I didn't want to because I had something really important to do at the time. She went with her friends."

"Chase and Robin went to the same party. They didn't drink much. Chase, at the time, didn't drink at all. He knew he was underaged and refused to do it. Robin was bit tipsy but still sober nonetheless. Chase spotted a familiar blonde girl in a pretty blue dress. He saw her go up the stairs with a guy from the basketball team. Thinking the worst, Chase followed them with Robin at his tail."

"They busted open the door, to see Alyssandra and the guy having sex. Because I love her so much, I would've forgiven her if it was a drunken mistake. But Chase said that she looked completely sober. It was confirmed she wasn't that drunk when she was able to recognize them and wasn't at all tripping around. The next day, I woke up to a text from her. I was already hurt from the fact she cheated, but then this bitch decides to break up with my via text. All she said was that "It's over." I texted her and called her a million times to try to talk to her. When she wouldn't answer, I grabbed my keys and drove to her house. When I reached the house, I found a huge sign in their front yard that said FOR SALE. I dropped to my knees and that's when I started crying. Within 24 hours, the love of my life cheated on me, broke up with me via text and left without saying goodbye or explaining why. I lost the love of my life that day. The next day I went to school still hoping that it was some kind of sick joke, but I found her locker empty. No one knew why she moved. No one knew that she was even moving. Everyone gave me pitied looks. Robin and Chase were just as sad and mad as me. It was such a bad day...and then to add to my stress, some random girl bumped into me and made me drop my stuff and phone. I snapped at the girl and took out my anger on her. I made the mistake of bullying her and taking out all my anger on her."

I started smiling as I told this new story.

"Then one day, while arguing with said girl, my asthma acted up. I ran off to get my inhaler but couldn't make it. Luckily, the girl found me and she helped me that day. She was my saviour. She and her friends started sitting with us and everyday she would ask me if I had my inhaler and if I did my nebulizer. Because of this girl, I took care of myself. As time goes by,she and I became closer and closer. Eventually,I gave dating a chance again and took out this beautiful girl on a date. We went to this same exact spot. I asked her to be my girlfriend and she actually said yes. It's still bizarre to me until now. Fast forward and now I'm telling my beautiful girlfriend the tragic heartbreaking story of my ex. After telling the story,I will apologize for being an asshole to her the other day. She'll hopefully forgive me and give me a kiss that I have oh so missed"

She looks up at me and shakes her head while smiling. I took her face in my hands and press my lips against hers. She kissed me back and I got to taste the addicting lips that I have really missed. I broke away and rested my forehead against hers.

"Do you forgive me?" I ask

"Yeah..." she whispers

I smile brightly and kiss her again. It was bliss, and it felt as if all the stress has been lifted from my shoulders. It was just her and I. No more problems. No more stress. It was just Me,Her and the feeling of happiness.

We soon layed back down. She layed on my chest. We layed in comfortable silence. It was broken though, when I noticed Lexi tenae up. She had a frown on her face.

"Cole..." she says hesitantly


"I need to tell you something. " she says. She takes a deep breath and runs a hand through her hair. This was something she did when she was nervous or scared.

"Okay...what is it?" I ask

"Alyssandra....she's...she's my twin."


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