Our own little place

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Edited: 2/10/17
Edit 1.16k!? Oh my gosh thank you 😭
The roses around me are flowing in the air. My hair moves slightly. I'm able to see the blue of the sky. My hand touches one of the stems of the rose and I see just how red the petals really are. I look to my left and see the tree we sat under last night, I can't help but smile when I remember how her eyes lit up when she saw the whole sky covered in the stars.

Getting up I make my way over to the tree and lay against it I feel the bark on my back. It scratches at my clothes, but it doesn't bother me. I recall the day I first met her, she was cheerful and weird in a good way. As I stayed and watched I didn't know what to say, I felt out of place. I wanted to leave, but for some reason I couldn't so I didn't come back for a few days. When I did come back, she finally talked to me, she was different; I couldn't figure it out. This might be my eternal adventure on why she makes me happy.

As I sit and think of more memories I see something walking threw the field, hair shining as bright as the sun, the way the eyes shine like gems, and that bright smile. Seeing it makes my heart pick up in pace and it gets faster and faster when she gets closer to me. She's right in front of me, her smile is something I will never get tired of seeing. I pull her onto my lap and hug her tightly around the waist, she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder.

I kiss the top of her head and hug her tightly once more, fearing if I let go she might disappear on me. Now that she's here everything I worry about, the things that make me sad all disappears and gets replaced with happiness and love. She smiles into my neck and I smile along with her. She sits up and kisses the tip of my nose.

"What was that for?" I say

"I just love kissing you." she says with a smile.

I chuckle at her and she gives me a loving look. The green in her eyes are shining even more then they normally do.



"I want you to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart."

Her words catch me off guard, but I know she means what she says. She always tells me what she really means regardless if it will embarrassed her or not. She's always so honest and kind and really looks out for me, she know me so well maybe she knows me better then I know myself.

"Mavis, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Out of everyone you've talked to and met, you picked me. I know it's something I ask you a lot, but I still can't believe it."

She's given me answers before on why she picked me, why mavis. She looks down for a moment then right into my eyes.

"You know why I picked, the first time I saw you I knew I just had to talk to you, but I was to shy and scared of what would happen if you didn't talk back to me. When we finally did talk and I got to know you, I knew I made the right choice."

I hear her voice become quieter as she talks like she's holding something back, I place my forefinger and thumb on her chin and bring it back up so I can see her. What I do see is tears streaming down her face and soft smile resting on her face.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"I know you still wonder why I chose you, but honestly I was admiring you from afar and I couldn't help but need you to be with me and make me happy. When I'm feeling sad I want you to be there to cheer me up and make me feel better."

By now my eyes are starting to get misty and I feel the lump forming in my throat. Seeing her cry makes her even more beautiful to me. Her eyes are all glossy and brighter than before, I hug her tightly in my arms.

"Mavis, I want you to know that I love you more than anyone and I've never meet anyone like you before, I don't think I will ever find someone just like you."

She gets out of my grasps and places her hands on my cheek and brings me into a loving kiss. I close my eyes and let her take the lead.When she done we part ways and I place a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I'll never regret choosing you to be by my side ever. I promise."

"I will never regret choosing you too."

I kiss her once more, before she places her head on my chest and I wrap her into my arms. Soon after that we both fall asleep under the tree in our own little field of love and peacefulness.
This is my first story of this one shot, going back and editing was really fun seeing how I've improved a little in my stories. Anyway, hoped you liked it :)

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