Is It You?

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This requested is for ZoeNightShade123

I will do my very best to make this story great for you :)
Edited: 2/9/2017

What's a Soulmate? A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. After reading this online I simply laugh to myself, A soulmate like I'll ever have one of those. I log off the computer and grab my book bag. Walking out of the computer lab I couldn't stop thinking about that one little word. Since it was still lunch time I went to my usually spot under the tree.

Setting my book bag down and pulling out my lunch, I start to people watch and notice all the happy couples smiling and holding hands. I stop eating my food, and look down with a frown on my face. I hear some laughter near by, making me look up to see a blonde hair girl. It's her. I see her look over to me with her big green eyes, causing me to blush. She waves her hand to her friends and races over to me.

"Zeref, Hey!"

She jumps on me and gives me a tight hug. I set the food down and give one back to her. Her hair tickles my nose a bit and I chuckle into her ear. We let go and she sits next to me and eat some of my food.

"Did you not eat or something?"

"I did, but I always love the food you bring."

She takes another bite from my lunch and I simply smile at her. As she eats, I can't help but admire how the sun makes her hair look,like gold and how her eyes shine like emeralds. She's so beautiful. As soon as I think this I get wide eyed and blush like crazy. I notice her look over at me and puts her hand on my cheek.

"W-What are you doing?"

"You look like you got a fever."

She touches my other cheek, then my forehead. The more she touches me the more red my face gets. I take her hand off and stand up quickly. I wipe the dirt off my pants and grab my book bag. She looks confused and stands up as well.

"Zeref what's wrong?"

"Umm... I have to go. Sorry Mavis."

"Oh, alright then. I guess I'll see you in class."

I nod and quickly walk away from her and go to my art class.

Mavis POV:

As I watch Zeref walk away I couldn't help, but touch my hand that was on his face. His face was so soft, I even grazed part of his hair and it felt like silk. I get big smile on my face and spin around causing people to look at me weird. I just walk away and head to my english class and wait for when I see Zeref again.

Once I'm in class I see Lucy reading the book for class. I take my seat next to her and pull out my own book. When she sees me, she pokes my side and waves to me.

"Hey Mavis, How are you?"

"Great, I was just with Zeref."

"Ohhh, you were with Zeref huh?"

She leans on her hand and raises an eyebrow. I laugh awkwardly at her and scratch my cheek. Good job mavis, can't keep your mouth shut can you? The teacher comes in and begins his lesson, he starts the topic of romance in novel and how romance novels and movie are always based off of Romeo and Juliet in some way. He says these two are the first soul mates of romance. A soul mate... I wish I could meet mine already. I sigh and rest my chin on the palm of my hand.

Zeref's POV:

What should I draw today? A teddy bear? A self portrait? I groan and put my head down on the table and look out the window. I feel how empty my head really is on ideas, if Mavis was here she tell me to draw whatever my heart wanted me to draw. I smile to myself the first time she saw a drawing of mine. Her whole face lit up and her smile was to beautiful to look away from. I picked my head up, and started moving my pencil on the paper sketching tilted "Soul Mate."

When classes ended I packed up and took my sketch with me, I decided I wasn't going to my next class that I had with Mavis, but I want to finish this so I can give it to her after school and finally tell her what I've been to scared to tell her for years. I hope she feels the same way. That's the one part I fear the most, or she's says 'thanks but I only sees you as a brother.' I sit in the back of the library and start sketching once again.

"Sorry Mavis, but this is more important then math."

I begin to smile once I see it coming together, and I see the face of my "Soul Mate." I shade everything in pencil, but not the eyes. I got my shade of green and colored in the best features of her's. These eyes give me hope, but they also scare me sometimes when she trying to knock sense into me about my drawings, but all in all I love them.I sketched right up till the very last minute of school, and my hand is now in pain and cramped up, but it was worth it. I packed up and rolled the picture carefully and went to go find her.

Outside I looked at every face that passed me to see if it belonged to her, I saw Lucy and ran right over to her.

"Oh Zeref hey."

"You know where Mavis is?"

"Yeah, she want you to meet her at the tree you guys ate at today. She wants to tell you something."

Tell me something? What does she need to tell me? I thank Lucy and head over to the tree, where I see her looking down at her feet and talking to herself? why is she talking to herself ?

Mavis's POV:

"Okay, Mavis just tell him that you love him...LIKE, LIKE HIM. Oh man, I can't tell him I love him. What if he doesn't feel the same way or just thinks I'm so creepy. Dang it."

I stomp my foot on the ground like a little kid and sigh. I look up and see the tree moving a bit from the wind. I was thinking about the word Soul mate and how this one little word makes me think about him. For as long as I can remember I always knew he would be something special to me, wether that be in friendship or loving way.


I look over and see Zeref standing near me, holding something in his hand. I stand up straight and smile at him. He gives me one back and my heart starts picking up the closer he gets to me. He stands right in front of me and looks down. The way he's looking at me looks caring and kind with just a hint of secrecy in his eyes.

"Mavis, I got something to show you."

"Oh really? Okay let me see it, let me see it."

He smiles as he hands over the rolled up paper that he was holding on to. I take it an open it up to see a drawing of me smiling. I look over every detail and every fine line on the paper and notice that just my eyes are shaded with color and nothing else. I look at the bottom corner to see his name and the title of his drawing.

"Soul Mate."

I say that out loud and look up at him, with misty eyes. I throw my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest. He hugs me back tightly and kisses the top of my head. I blush and widen my eyes after he does this. Say it now Mavis.

"I love you Zeref. I always have, I've just been to scared to tell you."

"I love you too Mavis. I just didn't know you felt the same way and it also took me some time to realizes how much you really mean to me."

He hugs me tighter and closer to his chest, I also hug him tighter not wanting to let go of him ever.

"This must mean I found my soul mate." he says.

I move my head to look up at him and laugh a bit, but nod my head.

"I think I found mine too."

He looks down at me, then starts to get closer and closer to me, and before I know it he's kissing me on the lips, sending fireworks to erupt in my heart. I felt that spark that everyone talks about when they kiss there soul mate.

Lucy's POV:

"It's about time those two got together, you can just tell those two are meant to be together forever."

I watch them share the first of their many kisses, before I leave the two lovebirds alone.


I'm sorry this might not be what you wanted, but I hope you guys really like it :)

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