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I didn't know he had this side of him till the day I saw it for myself. It was different and dangerous, but I can't say that I didn't find it flattering to know he gets like this. The day that it happened was just a normal day, they sun was out the sky was a deep blue and not a single cloud was seen. I was getting ready to head out to meet up with my friend, we said we meet at the coffee house before we go shopping.

I grabbed my bag and left my place, it was a hot day so short and a tank top was the perfect outfit to wear. I wasn't that far from the coffee house so I didn't rush getting there. I passed by some shops and glance at what was in the display window and thinking how cute that would look of people. I opened the door to the coffee house and looks around for the familiar jet black hair. I spotted it and saw that he was facing away from me. I walked over there and put my hands over his eyes. I felt him flinch and his eyelashes tickle my hands.

"Guess who?" I say.

I felt his cheeks rise a bit, so i knew he was smirking like he always does. He was taking his sweet time answering me, but I knew he was just playing around like usually. 


"Noo, try again."


I rolled my eyes and took my hands back and put my face near his. When he saw me, his eyes light up and I take my seat across from him. He starts snapping his fingers and point right to me.

"Mavis right?"

"Good job."

He smiles at me, and the waiter sets down the coffee in front of us. He was a good looking guy and I kept smiling at him. He notice me and gave me a wink before going back behind the counter. I blushed as I drank my coffee, I looked up to Zeref to see he was a bit annoyed by something. Maybe the coffee burned him?  I set my cup down and grabbed the paper out of my bag.

"So, I have a list of things I have to get when we go out."

"Oh, alright. Let's get going." 

I take one last sip of my coffee and stand up from my seat. Zeref waits for me to find some money to pay for the coffee's. At the counter the man the serve us takes the money and hands over the change, his hand hugs mine when he gives it to me and winks again. I smile and quickly get out of the coffee house. 

"Let's go Zeref."

I looked up to Zeref, who's sending death glares to the guy at the counter. what is his problem? I poke him in the chest and he comes back to reality when he sees me looking at him. I take his hand in mine and take him to our first shop on my list. I was looking for something nice for Zera, like a neckless or a bracelet.

Zeref opens the door for me and I step inside to see all the lights shining down on the gems. I looked at each and every gem in that store and pictures them shining in the sky when the moon is up. I need to find something beautiful for her. Zeref and I were looking at things and he kept pointing stuff out for me, I must say he really has an eye for picking beautiful things. It was so hard for me to chose which one I wanted for her.

I ended up picking a fairy neckless with a red gem in the middle. Zeref picked it out and he said he got something for someone. I didn't see what he got but I know it was something with blue in it. I wonder who it's for?

"Alright Zera is done, now I have to get something for-"


We both turn around to see my friend Yuri coming over to Zeref and I. He gives me hug as soon as he gets near me and picks me up. I cling to his neck, fearing he drop on the sidewalk. He sets me down and I regain my balance. 

Zervis one-shots (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now