Chapter 15

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Kanan's P.O.V

   "Ezra!" I yelled when he tripped and fell. I ran over to him and knelt down next to him. "Ezra," I said again getting no response from the boy. He was out cold and his wounds were bleeding freely. It was getting colder by the minute and Ezra wasn't wearing anything warm. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him.

I picked the boy up into my arms and carried him bridle style back to Copper's house. The only soothing thing that helped me keep moving was that I could see Ezra's breath. That was the thing that kept me moving and knowing that he was alive. "Hang in there, Ez," I said looking down at him before glancing up again.

I turned a corner and almost fell onto the cement. I regained my balance and kept moving through the night.

I finally arrived back at the house s and opened the door. Entering, I saw Copper and Hera talking to each other then averting their gaze to me. Hera looked beyond worried and almost sat up before being pushed back down by Copper. I came in and shut the door then sat in a chair with Ezra in my lap shivering.

He was icy cold to the touch, no wonder he was shivering. Copper came over with some medical supplies and worked on Ezra's arm. I took the coat off of him and set it aside. While Copper worked on his arm, I thought back to the day's event.


I left Copper's house to go get the Ghost. I had my coat on seeing how it's almost winter. I took the bike and untied the wagon from it. Then I got on and rode to the house.

The battle sounded dangerously close and I was about to turn around until I saw
the house in the distance. I kept going towards the one house that stood out from the rest. The one that made you feel at home. Closer and closer, I almost reached the house but fate had different plans.


   Me and the bike flew back onto the ground. There was a ringing in my ears and dizziness consumed my mind. It took me a couple of minutes to get over it and sit up. When I did, I regretted to look. Our loving house is now buried in the shadow of ashes of the past of what we used to live in.

   I could say the same thing about other houses that were near the area. In a tomb of ash and flames with no hint of life. The only sound that was heard were the jets passing over head about to do the same thing to other houses. Bomb them into oblivion and smithereens.

   I got over my shock and quickly got back onto the bike. I had to get out before the fire gets bigger and deadly. My head pounding with a headache didn't help me think clearly. I almost ran into a mailbox that was still standing but, the top of it was on fire.

   The smoke was making me cough so I pulled my shirt up to use as a mask to block the smoke.

   I finally made it out of the destruction and made my way back to Copper's house. I was devastated and I'm sure that Ezra and Hera will be to when they hear the news. I made it back to the house when the battle became silent. Then cheers of victory filled the air.

   I wasn't considered at who won but how my family would react to the news. I laid the bike in the grass and walked into the house. I was surprised to be met with Hera crying and full of hope to see someone else. I didn't see Ezra anywhere which began to worry me too. I walked over and knelt next to Hera.

   "What's wrong and where's Ezra?" I asked holding her hand and wiping her tears away. "He ran," was all she said and I knew what that met. Ezra runaway but my question is why? "I'll go get him back," I said but Hera stopped me. "What are you hiding?" She said worried.

   I took in a deep breath in and out. This wasn't going to be easy to say especially all the problems Hera has already. But there was that one thing that made Hera, Hera. She is a strong woman and I would be here for her to lean on if  needed.

   "The house and Ghost and people's houses that were in the range of  it, were damaged from a bomb, badly damaged," I said. Hera squeezed my hand making me look into her eyes. "We will be fine as long as we all are together," she said quietly and smiled.

   I smiled and kissed the top of her hand. "Well then, how about I go get the rest of us," I said standing up. Hera nodded her head and widen her smile. "Go get our son back," she said and I opened the door to go find Ezra.

   It took about an hour but I found him sitting under a light post. The sun had set a while ago making it very cold. Ezra seemed to not notice my presence and was doing something to his arm. I got a closer look until I saw it. Ezra was cutting.

   "Ezra," I said in disbelief that such an innocent boy would to something like this. He looked up at me in fear and dropped the piece of glass. He tried to make a run for it but tripped.

*Flashback end*

   I snapped out of my thoughts when Copper shook my shoulder. I looked up at him then at Ezra. "Is he going to be ok?" I asked Copper. I looked up to see him nodding in approval. "Thank you so much Copper, you have been so kind to us and I don't know how to thank you for it," Hera said in a much clearer voice.

   Copper shook his head and smiled. He wrote something on paper and handed to Hera then walked out of the room. Hera smiled and looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. "What does it say?" I asked. "For someone who is always grumpy as him, he said that being a sister to him was repaying me," she said.

   I smiled and somewhat shocked that the Copper we know would never say anything as sweet as that. I chuckled a little but frowned when I remembered Ezra cutting himself. Hera must have noticed and asked, " What's wrong?". "When I found him, he was cutting his arm," I said looking at the bandages.

   "I think I may know the reason why he did what he did," she said softly looking at the boy. I glanced up and over to Hera for her answer.

   "I think he feels like he doesn't deserve our affection or love for him," she said. That's when it hit me harder than a hammer into a nail. I didn't know if I was misjudging it or not but when Ezra smiled at times, he faked it. I looked down at him and held him close from the dangers of the world.

   I wasn't letting him go and cradled his head on my chest. I set my head on top of his then glanced over at Hera smiling. I stood up with Ezra in my arms and carried him over to Hera. I sat on the ground next to her with Ezra in my lap. Hera combed her fingers through his hair. Ezra seemed to lean into the touch making us both smile.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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