Chapter 16

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Kanan's P.O.V

Copper surprisingly let us stay the night. He had one guest room and his room. I carried Ezra's unconscious body to the guest room and laid him on the bed. Then I went back to the living room to get Hera. I carried her back to the room and laid her down on the other side of Ezra.

I laid on the other side of Ezra, making him sandwiched in between us. Ezra was facing me with a peaceful look on his face. I gently rub his arm then I felt a hand on top of mine. Hera's hand stopped mine and we stayed in each others grip on top of Ezra's arm.

   "Goodnight love," I hear Hera softly retracting her hand away. I did the same, "Goodnight." I laid here for a little bit and was finally drifting off until the bed started to move. I opened my eyes again and saw Ezra change position before getting comfy again sleeping.

I got out of bed and went to the living room. I sat on the couch and Copper's fake fireplace was the only thing giving light and warmth to the room. I watched the 'fire' dance and send a calm wave through the room. With everything that we have been through, it was nice to relax.

I jumped a bit when a creek from a floor board. I looked over at the entrance of the living room and could tell someone was there. "Who's there?" I asked watching the entrance carefully. I calmed down when Ezra's head poked out from around the corner.

I smiled and gestured for him to join me. He seemed unsure at first but walked over to the the coach. He sat at the way end, leaving a huge gap between us. He looked anywhere on his side of the room to avoid eye contact with me. I kept a close eye on him and sometimes glanced at the fireplace.

"Ezra," I said breaking the silence. He turned to me and I instantly saw something in his eyes. Fear. "Why did you run away?" I asked gently trying not to scare the poor boy. Ezra looked at the floor in shame and guilt. I saw his fingers rub against his palms and he seemed shifty.

"Ezra, I'm not mad at you," I said getting his attention, "Me and Hera were really worried about you though." He looked up at me straight in the eye but that didn't last long. Ezra watched his fingers rubbing against his palm, like it was his only way of comfort. "I know you're scared," I started.

"We are all scared, including me. Ezra, you may think that you don't deserve any affection or love but," I paused and saw him watching me, waiting for my answer. "But you do and I may not be saying much but you are still a child. A very special and smart kid who deserves it when you have been neglected from it for years," I said.

I scooted closer to him while talking and he didn't budge. "Me and Hera are willing to help, care, and love you if you really want it. I know you've had a rough life and trust me when I say that I know how you feel," I said, now sitting right next to him. "Please, let me help you by giving you the affection that you missed, let me do something for you that I never had," I said.

He looked up at me, "Finish." I raised an eyebrow, "excuse me?" "Finish what you say," he said and my eyes widen. I didn't say everything that I wanted and to honest I really didn't want to. I took in a deep breath, "I didn't know my parents expect the fact that they didn't want me." Ezra listened with sadness in his eyes. "I was left in a horrible orphanage for fourteen years until I was adopted by someone special that changed me.

She helped me through the war long ago and taught me how to look at things differently. She didn't like the empire but loved the rebels and stood up for what they did. Sometimes, she would take me beyond that fence that supposedly supposed to protect us." I said with my voice cracking a bit. "Until one day, the war came to an end and she was killed in the fight," I said and looked at Ezra.

"The last fight that happened about ten years ago," I finished and felt tears sliding down my face. Ezra cried to and I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back. We sat like this calming down and enjoying each other's company. I heard Ezra's soft snoring and knew that he fell asleep.

   I laid us both down on the couch with him still in my hold. I kept watching the 'fire' dance and still mindlessly rubbing his back. Slowly but surly, I fell into a peaceful sleep knowing that my, yes MY, special child was secured in my arms. Back home and safe from the streets.

   And from loneliness.

   Never again.

   Will he ever be alone and especially when there might be another war. Another war that not even someone like Ezra's age or younger that shouldn't have to face alone. Another war that could be deadly and I would be willing to keep my family alive if it means that I die.


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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