Part 2 - So Cute...

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(Time skip to after the fight)

"(Y/N) you can go but... Once you leave please, don't come back." "But-" "Please just go!"

"Okay but... THIS ISN'T GOOD BYE!" "What?" "I'll see you later dad..." "See you later my child..."

The door shuts behind me as I walk through the snow. "F-Fuck it's cold" I rub my arms since I'm only wearing a long sleeve shirt and shorts.

I step over some random branch in my way. "CRUNCH" WTF?!?!?!? I mentally screamed and ran as fast as humanly possible SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT. I ran until I saw a gate and bridge. "H U M A N... D O N T Y O U K N O W H O W T O G R E E T A N E W F R E I N D?"

I slowly turned around and shook a tall skeleton with an orange hoodie on. BUZZ

I got shocked and the skeleton started laughing his ass of (If he had one).

I started giggling too. "I'm Papyrus, your a human right?" "I'm (Y/N), and yes I am."

"Right now I'm supposed to on the look out for humans but I don't feel like it. My brother Sans on the other hand is a human hunting fanatic."

I made a scared face. "Oh no kid he wouldn't ever hurt anyone." "Oh thank god!" I became relived.

"Lets go through the gate, my brother made the bars to wide to stop anyone." "M'kay"

"WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" "What?" "No, I'm just pulling your leg kiddo. Lets go"

We went through the gate and stopped all of a sudden. "Quick behind that conveniently shaped lamp!" "Uh okay!"

"BROTHER!" An adorable short skeleton with a surprisingly deep voice walked up to Papyrus. 

"What's up bro?" "Not much brother but that is besides the point, YOU HAVEN'T RECALIBRATED YOUR PUZZLES IN WEEKS!" 

"Ha ha ha" "Brother what was that noise?" Papyrus looked nervous. "U-Um its a laughing rock?"

Sans looking skeptical for a second. "Okay" Really? How obnoxious is he? Obnoxiously cute. 

"Hey lets look at the laughing rock" Papyrus no! "Brother I don't have time!" "Okay." Sans sassily walked away. "You can come out now!" 

"How?" "How what?" "HOW DO YOU LIVE WITH SOMEONE SO ADORABLE?!" "Uh I don't know?" 

"Hey (Y/N) can you do me a favor?" "Sure" "Can you meet Sans? He has never seen a human and I think it will make him really happy." "I would love to!"

We left towards the way Sans went. 

"Hey bro!" "What broth-... IS THAT A HUMAN?!" Sans points to something behind me. 

"No that's a rock." "Oh... What is that?" "That's a human." Sans gasped. 


 I suddenly became very cold and... tired. I blacked out. "(Y/N)!" "HUMAN!"


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